"Gg... Ggukie...scared...."

Gguk securely hug me and I feel safe in his arms and Kook intertwined his finger with mine.

"Baby love, you don't have to be scared anymore. You have us now."

I look into Kook eyes after he said that. I can see the sincerity and love in his eyes, I can feel Gguk protection from his hold.

God, please let this happiness stay forever.

I open my eyes to an empty bed, the event that happened in the bathroom come flashing in my mind.

"Are you awake baby?" I saw Gguk sitting on a couch next to my bed.

"What time is it now Ggukie?"

"Almost dinner time baby. Are you hungry? Kook should be done with it now." He put down the magazine and come to me with a glass of water.

The three of us had our dinner and it was delicious. I thought Jungkook cook it, it turn out he buy it, not that I mind.

After dinner my boyfriends and I decided to watch movies at Netflix but nothing interest me so I just go along with whatever movies they put on.

I can't keep thoughts out of my head because happiness don't usually stay with me for too long and I have been the happiest since I live here with Jin and now the twins.

Jungguk and Jungkook are too good to be true.

"Why is hotties like them go with shit like him? He is ugly."

"I'm sure he is just their fuck toy."

"No way handsome like him would want a slut like him."

"He is just a fuck toy, how can they share love? Slut...you can share."

These words are hurtful yet they might be true? Never in my life heard that, a person fall in love with 2 at once and equally.

Maybe mom was right, I am the son of the devil that's why I am like this. I have mess up thoughts, mess up mind and mess up heart.

How weird can you be Kim Taehyung?!

You are sellfish to accept them and let them share you. Nobody is willing to share a person they love. I must have hurt them when I said I love both Gguk and Kook.

I am so messed up!

Why do my heart love them both?

Why can't I have one like normal people.

"Love... Why are you crying?"

I didn't notice that I just shed tears. I made them worry over me again. I am useless.

"Nothing Kook, it's fine." I tried to get up but Gguk pull me on his lap.

"No baby, don't think we didn't see it. Your eyes barely on the movie and suddenly you're crying."

I can't look at them. I can't say anything anymore.

"Love, please tell us what's wrong. We love you, Love. It's okey to tell us anything. We won't judge you."

I look into their eyes. Is it really okey to tell them? Maybe I should just be honest.

"I'm sorry, I am sellfish." I said low.

"why are you saying that?"

"Because....I fell in love with both of you! I am weird! It's wrong! It is impossible right to fall in love with 2 person?" I started to cry again.

"Baby... Listen.. We--me and Kook, we both fall in love with you. We are happy that you want to be ours. If you fell in love with someone else, that would hurt us and and if you fall in love with only one of us, the other will always feel hurt all the time."

Gguk explain and Kook continue.

"So in other words, Love. We are grateful you love us both. Its perfect."

"You...don't mind sharing? Isn't this wrong?

Gguk wipe away my tears. He smiles at me, I divert my attention to Kook--he too smiles. A smile so beautiful and sincere.

"If it is with my own twin brother, I don't mind." That's what Jungkook says as he push away my hair that cover my eyes.

"Me too, baby..." Gguk kiss my cheek.

Jungkook lean in and kiss me on the cheek too. I blush hard and cover my face with my hands.

Gguk softly pull down my hands and I look up to meet his eyes. The feeling I have right now is magical.

Jungguk lean in closer and I do too until our lips met.

The kiss is soft.

The kiss is addicting.

I feel his tongue caressing my lower lips, it feels good that I moan and the feeling is double when Gguk slide his tongue into my mouth.

That's when I feel Jungkook sit in front of Gguk but behind me and he start to kiss my neck. His lips touch every part of my neck and when his lips reach a spot at the corner of my neck and shoulder I moan, it feel sensitive. My moan is louder when Kook suck on, it is both painful and good.

That's the moment when I lost all rational. It was my first kiss ever and my first time feeling good. My first ever experience.

Gguk release my lips and Kook lift me up to his lap and he too claim my lips, kissing, sucking and exploring every corner of my mouth. The kiss is soft and hard but not just lust alone, I feel the love that we share.

Gguk is taking his turn on my neck and shoulder. Doing the same thing as Kook. He too found the sweet spot where I moan at the feeling where my hands are already gripping Gguk's hair.

Kook kiss move from my mouth down to my jaw and to my neck, sucking and licking--while Gguk pull my face and claim my lips again.

I know that my lips has swollen. My neck is wet, but it feel too good that I don't want it to stop.

I can feel my hard member in my pants, why is it so good that my membeer is getting hard.

The routine keep going with Jungkook and Jungguk taking turn on my lips amd and neck, the feeling is getting higher that I feel like I'm going to pee, something is coming out.

I moan so loud almost like a scream and in the same time I feel something wet come out from my member, my body shiver for a second and after that everything went dark.


😩Its my first time writing a mature scene. Sorry..I know its not good.

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