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Virgil looked up at the trio and sighed, "I didn't want it to end like this for you guys but again... no witnesses" Virgil suddenly jumped at the trio who were stunned but tried to stop Virgil from hurting them.

Roman went to grab Virgil's hand which was holding the pocket knife. Virgil tried to at least harm them to get away but forgot Logan and Patton were behind him when Roman tried to get his favorite pocket knife.

Logan quickly grabbed a cloth and chloroform to get Virgil when he was put down on the floor by Patton after Roman took his pocket knife.

"Let me go!" Virgil was struggling the whole time trying to get away. "Get aw-" Logan put the cloth over Virgil's nose and mouth.

Virgil was slipping in and out of consciousness and before he passed out he thought, 'damn it'

The Yanderes finally got their hands on their lover. They were complete.

The blood trio got rid of the body Virgil killed and picked up Virgil and slowly walked without nobody getting suspicious (or maybe because nobody is walking near them)

The Yanderes got to their home without easing suspicion while they hid Virgil's bloody hands.

Once they got to their home Patton was so overjoyed he got everything ready in the basement to put Virgil in.

Logan grabbed the rope to tie up Virgil in the chair.
Roman picked up Virgil admiring how cute Virgil looked sleeping. (Don't worry he cleaned the blood of Virgil's hands)

Virgil was then tied up to the chair while they waited for their beloved to wake up from their slumber.

The Yandere's and the killer💜Where stories live. Discover now