Patton meets Virgil

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HAPPY PRIDE!!!! 🏳️‍🌈


•.  In the morning •. 

Patton woke up and stood up to go make breakfast but before that he looked at his boyfriends lovingly. He kissed their lips and left to the kitchen.

Patton made some pancakes for them. Logan walked in to make some coffee but before that he wraps his arms around Patton's waist and kissed him. "Good morning lo~" Logan then went to make coffee, "Good morning dearest~"
Roman later walked in to kiss both of his beloved boyfriends. "Good morning my loves~"

Patton set down the pancakes for them in the dining table. They always had an extra chair put never used it. The Yandere's thought they will probably need it in the future. They soon got a text on the group chat that confirmed that there is going to be a new student.

                  The Popular's group
Thomasthedankengine: The rumors were true!

Nerd: So, it's confirmed that there is a new student.

Thomasthedankengine: yep

Nerd: *Yep.

Thomasthedankengine: Well see you guys later!

CinnamonRoll: Okay, bye kiddo.

The three lovers looked at each other and shared kisses before hopefully that they didn't have to kill the new student.

•. In school •.

When they arrived at school few kids talked about the new kid that was going to arrive. Then, the announcement starts, "Patton Heart please come to the principal's office". Patton looked at his boyfriend's eyes and they nodded but kissed Patton on the cheek causing Patton to giggle and blow them a kiss and left to go to the principal's office.

•. In the principal's office •.

Patton walked into the principal's office 'Why would he need me?' Patton thought. "Hello, Mr. Copper is there anything you need?" Patton looks at the principal and then noticed the new kid.

He looked at this adorable new student. This student looks like an angel. Patton felt a burst of love that he only felt when he met Roman and Logan. Patton looked at Virgil with lovestruck eyes.

The principal then spoke, "Hello Patton this is the new student and I was going to ask if you would mind giving this young man a tour?"
Patton stared at Virgil longingly. Only one thought came to Patton that was repeating in his mind, 'He is mine. Mine. MINE!!'

"Umm... Patton Heart?" The principal broke Patton out of his trance, " Oh! Sorry, I just spaced out."
The principal just nodded, "Will you give this young man the tour?" The principal gestures towards Patton's newfound lover but he had to discuss it with his boyfriends.  "Yes, Mr. Copper" The principal looks at the new student, "You shall go now Mr. storm."

The student nodded but stayed quiet. 'A shy one? This is amazing.' Patton smiles at the new student and exits the principal's office.

Patton looked at the new student but wanted to learn more about him, "So... new kid, what is your name?" Patton waited for his newfound lover to respond, "M-my n-name I-is... Virgil Storm." The student tried to make eye contact with Patton but when he did Patton felt even more lovesick.

'Virgil~ what a cute name.' Patton looked into Virgil's eyes. Virgil has dark chocolate eyes that Patton could look at all day. Patton gave Virgil the tour and just stared at Virgil to take as many details as he could.

Patton felt a bit disappointed that the tour ended because Virgil didn't have any classes with him nor with his loves apart from History and he knows this because Virgil showed him his schedule. "Well, Virgil I should take you to class." Patton leads Virgil to his class and left to attend his own class with his loves.

He really needs to speak with Ro and logie.

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