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Dekus pov

I get to denkis dorm and we sit and talk for awhile till someone who i'm guessing was his roommate came in. "Oh hey Kirishima" *Isn't that the homophobe kacchan was talking about?* "Hey denki who's this?" he gestured to me, "Hi, I'm Izuku Midoriya." I say smiling "Hey man I'm kiri." He stays in the kitchen while we're in the living room "So who's your roommate?" he asks while drinking a juice box "Katsuki Bakugou" his eyes widen "He's on our lacrosse team!" he says jumping up and down in his spot "Really? I didn't know that's cool" *I didn't know he played lacrosse* Kirishima butts in from the kitchen "One more thing you should know about him is that he's a fag" My eyes widen and my heart completely drops "Excuse me?" there was a lot of attitude in that 

"What I thought you should know. Ya know so you can make sure he doesn't try anything with you. Isn't it gross?" I'm furious at this point "Are you kidding me? You know how ignorant that is right?" I start walking to the kitchen "Oh please don't tell me you support that bullshit?" I finally get to face him "Oh no I don't just support it I am it I am happily gay" I say smiling.

He very obviously gets uncomfy "Oh my god you're disgusting" He says trying to leave the kitchen but I block him. "No you are not leaving till you understand how stupid you are, you cut off one of your friends for something you think is gross well guess what I think you're repulsive." My face is bright red and I swear I could feel steam coming out of my ears. He looks at denks "Denki do you agree with me? It's gross right?" denki rolls his eyes "No actually it's perfectly fine. I completely support both Mido and Baku and the fact that you are too close minded to realize that that's who they are is what's gross." He smiles at me and I smile back.

I hear a loud "ugh" from in front of me, when I look there's a fist in front of my face. He punches me and Denki screams. "Dude what are you doing!? You just punched him!" I collect myself and check my face. There's a bump near my eye and my nose is bleeding a little. I shrug "I've been hit harder" when he looks back at me I hit him ten times harder. "Guys No Violence!" I hear Denki yell while I'm watching this scumbag fall to the ground. I bend down to talk to him "You now have two options. One, stop talking and keep your opinions to yourself so things like this won't happen again or option two, Stop being so close minded and ignorant." I get up and go hug denki "Thank you for sticking up for us" He hugs me tighter "Of course man no one should ever be treated like that for any reason." 

 We pull away "Sorry denks I think i'm gonna go back to room, ya know get my face fixed." I laugh a little to lighten the mood. He agrees and I go back to my dorm. *Man I hope Kacchans not in the living room*

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