badass soulmate

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Dekus pov

I get bored and ask to go to the bathroom, I walk in and can hear quiet crying. I look in and see katsuki crying in a corner. "Kacchan?" His head shoots up "Are you ok?" I say walking towards him "My fucking Luck. Just go away." He says putting his head back down *rude* "No I'm not gonna go, you're obviously upset." I say sitting next to him "I'm not upset just go away." he's obviously getting a bit mad "Kacchan remember I said you had to talk to m-" "Oh my god you fucking Deku go away!" He screams getting up, I'm slightly pushed to the side.

"Deku?" "Yes you useless Deku go away!" he screams turning towards me, his face is red and his eyes are swollen *He's really upset about something, I wanna help* I take a deep breath and get up. "I'm not leaving" he huffs "Just leave why are you so insisted on staying?" he says yelling "Because if you would've let me finish my sentence instead of screaming and pushing me away, I would've reminded you that you agreed to talk to me." I say with a bit more attitude then intended. His face gets visibly redder "Shut the fuck up about that. I didn't fucking mean it, I talked to you to get you to shut up your fucking crying was annoying!"

I'm shocked "Do you seriously mean that?" I say, feeling my face heat up and eyes start to water "Yes!" I take a deep breath to compose myself "Fine. I'll go, sorry for just trying to help." 

Bakugou's pov

He walks out of the room and I fucking explode. *What the fuck was that Katsuki? He was just trying to help* I finally compose myself and look at the time. "I already missed practice and I really don't feel like going to my nex glass with fucking kiri." I walk back to my dorm and the doors unlocked. *Fuck he's already here* I walk in and go straight to my room.

"What do I do now?" I lay there for a few minutes and just think about what happened. "I can't believe I really said that shit." I sigh and place my hand on my forehead "I'm such an idiot".

*Um hi*

I jump for a second still not really used to someone just randomly being in my head.

*Uh hey what's up?*

*Nothing really I just kinda need someone to talk to*

I laugh a bit

*Ya me too, what's wrong?*

*I was trying to help someone today and they just freaked out on me."

"I did that."

*Really i'm sorry,*

*It's ok what's wrong with you?*

*Some of the people on my team are not very ok with me being bi and it's kinda hard.*

*I'm so sorry, I get it, when I came out a lot of people tried to get me down and started calling me names and saying it was wrong. I want you to know that what you feel is never wrong and It is never gonna matter what they think.*

*Thank you. Enough about the sad stuff, how has your day been?*

*It was good I went for a run this morning and helped some guy get his phone from under their car.*

*That's cool, were you able to fit under it?*

I hear him laugh a bit

*No I lifted the car and they went under it*

My eyes widen

*you lifted a car?!*

*Ya I did*

I hear the lunch bell ring

*I have to go*

*Ya me too uh talk to you later?*


"I have a badass soulmate"

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