Uncovering the truth

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Titan's POV

These last two weeks since Jaymee left have been absolute pure hell for everyone. Steel(Freddie) has become pretty fucking ruthless towards everyone including the brothers. He doesn't give two fucks about it either. Between myself, Bookworm and Rebar we are trying to figure out the danger of the situation like who made her fear for her life to the point she had to leave town. We are nowhere close to figuring this out at all.

As the boys and I are figuring this out, my phone pings with a message from "Unknown".

Text Message

~unknown~ Meet me at the bar you came to two weeks ago tonight at 7pm. I'll be there wearing all black.
~Titan~ Alone or bring the boys as well?
~Unknown~ bring the boys.
~Titan~ including prez?
~unknown~ yes including him but no whores
~Titan~ okay see you at 7

I stop messaging her and look at the guys. I explain to them that whoever this unknown person is is related to the situation at hand. They know who made Jaymee leave town. Now to get Steel to come with us and not have whores with us. I walk to his office and the door is open. He's at his desk and Demi is on his lap.

~Titan~ Steel we need to talk. Demi leave...
~Demi~ Baby tell him I don't have too...
~Steel~ Leave Demi. We haven't hooked up ever so leave me alone. Your lucky you don't have a bullet in your skull
Demi scurries out the office and we shut the door.

~Steel~ what's going on?
~Titan~ We have a meeting with a person who knows exactly who made Jaymee leave. This person finally feels it's safe for them to show who they are.
~Steel~ Can we trust this person?
~Titan~ We don't know until we meet up with them.. just the four of us with this person. No whores.
~Steel~ what time?
~Titan~ 7 pm at the bar we went to 2 weeks ago...

He nods his head and we head down to the bar inside the clubhouse. Steel really misses Jaymee. He isn't the same person he was when she arrived to being forced to leave. He needs her as much as she needs him.


It took us roughly an hour to get here to meet our unknown person. We were running late because we had to remove the whores from our bikes. We told them all that this wasn't a outing for them to come on. Two whores in particular had mean smug looks on their faces. Demi and Fallon. Okay ladies I got your numbers.

We pull into the bar and we don't see anyone yet wearing all black. We ask the bartender, and he points to the far dark corner of the building. This person obviously didn't want to be immediately noticed. I didn't recognize this person at first but I'm glad to see their smiling faces.

~Jaymee~ Hi

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

~Jaymee~ Hi

We all are stunned to see her here. None of us knew she was this close to home. Steel's face is still Stone cold, it's almost as if he's mad at her.

~Rebar~ Are you safe now?
~Jaymee~ Honestly no clue. Who wanted me gone told me if I didn't leave then they were going to make sure Steel wasn't returning alive from the run. But seeing as he's alive, I did what I thought was right.
~Steel~ You could of left a note...
~Jaymee~ I did leave a note with my phone and cards. It told you to look where my secrets are kept.
~Titan~ Steel was there a note?
~Steel~ there wasn't anything left on the table or anything.

Jaymee's POV

I am absolutely livid. I know I left a note on the table. I know I did. I figured that was why Steel didn't contact me because he was angry at me.

~Jaymee~ I know I left a fücking note. I am pissed. Those two bitches....
~Titan~ Who?

I give them all a look because they should know who was threatened by me even being close to Steel.

~Steel~ How do we know it's them?
~Jaymee~ Calling me a liar? You should know me of all people should know I don't lie about anything. Check my security cameras inside my apartment but if you don't believe me then I'm done here.

I get up and leave the bar. I go back to my hotel room and get ready for bed. To hear the man I have always loved doesn't believe me fücking hurts. Maybe it's time for me to move on. Sleep overcomes me quickly.

Freddie/Steel's POV

~Titan~ Are you for real? You know damn well she doesn't lie about shït. You sat there and basically said you believe Demi and Fallon over her. Whatever ego trip you are on right now, get off of it. She didn't deserve the disrespect you gave her.
~Steel~ You know I can't go and accuse Fallon and Demi of shit with out proof. I know I need to apologize to her but I don't have a number to contact her.
~Titan~ Guess you should of thought of that before you practically called her a liar now shouldn't you?
~Steel~ Damn it. I need to go review the footage from the apartment complex. But I'll do that tomorrow.

We all get back on our bikes and head back to the clubhouse. When we get here we see the whores all sitting on the porch blocking the doorway.

~Steel~ Move now or get the fûck off club property
~Demi~ Tell me who you went to go see when you were gone for 4 hours...
~Steel~I'm your president. I don't owe you or anyone here besides my boys who were with me an answer to where I was. So move now or all your brands are removed.

They stomp off the clubhouse grounds. That behavior alone makes me believe that Jaymee was right. I change and go to bed. Hopefully I can speak again to Jaymee. I miss her.

I need her.

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