New Me

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Freddie's POV

Seeing Jaymee for the first time in 12 years, she looks even more gorgeous than she ever had last night. I swore to her I would make sure she's always safe whether she was with me or not. She hugged me tightly. It was like she was terrified I was going to vanish from her again. Trust me I have no intentions of ever leaving her. She means absolutely everything to me and I intend to prove it to her.

As I am finishing up some things in my office, club whöre just barges in. They have a horrible habit of never knocking especially if they know I am inside here alone. After seeing Jaymee, I can not believe I ever screwed around with these ladies. I had our club doctor run a whole slew of test on me to make sure I do not have any disease, thankfully I should have the results in a couple days.

~Freddie~ What do you want? Haven't you heard of knocking?
~Candy~ I'm horny and I want you...
~Freddie~ Nope. It will never and I repeat never will be happening again...
~Candy~ you told me you would only be fucking me. Now you are denying me, who is this person?
~Freddie~ Number one, I don't owe you shït. Number two, I told you that you that you weren't getting the title of Old Lady or Queen. And Number three, you can't seem to follow simple instructions when I have warned you and all the other whores about knocking whether I'm in here with members or alone. This is your last warning, next time your brand gets removed. Do you understand me?
~Candy~ Yes Prez.

She turns and storms out of my office. I swear I need to see what chicks are clingy and those who aren't. My brothers and I do not tolerate clingy-ness or disrespect. Rebar and Titan walk in after seeing her leave.

~Rebar~ what was that all about?
~Freddie~ whöre comes in here without knocking or anything says she wants to fûck me. When I denied her she goes on to say I would only be fücking her but she thinks one of us will wife her up.
~Titan~ All those ladies got one whiff of you and they want you and your magic stick.

We all bust out laughing.

~Titan~ Where did you disappear to last night? You were gone for an hour or so...??
~Freddie~ went to check an issue with one of the apartments we lease...
~Titan~ you think I'm dumb don't you?
~Freddie~ so you remember me talking about Jaymee right?
~Titan~ your spicy Lil nugget?
~Freddie~ Yes her. Well...

I go on to explain to Titan about what happened between myself and Jaymee when I met up with her last night at her apartment. These guys have always known my true feelings for her. She knew she was as always going to be the one who got away. She definitely means the world not only to me but to these guys as well. I know that if it came down to it, they would guard her with their lives.

As I am sitting here talking to the boys, my cellphone goes off with a text message. I glance down and I see it's from Jaymee. Just thinking about her as I have always done, makes my heart smile. I open it up and it reads

~Jaymee~ hey Freddie. Sorry to bug you but I'm bored...
~Freddie~ you never bug me. I'm just finishing up paperwork from the last couple of days. What's up?
~Jaymee~ just wanted to talk to you about the last 12 years. There's a lot left unsaid between the two of us.
~Freddie~ I can definitely do that sweetheart, what time is best for you?
~Jaymee~ I'm available whenever

My mind goes completely in the gutter. I smirk as another message comes through.

~Jaymee~ Frederick mind out of the gutter..

Yes she the only one that is allowed to call me Frederick or Freddie. Everyone else calls me Prez or Steel(club name).

~Freddie~ you said it not me though and before you say it, I'll bite you where ever.

As I am walking down with my keys and phone, Bookworm walks in after the guys left and told him about the whores. He informs me that Candy implanted multiple tracking devices on my bike and car.. I tell Rebar and Titan to get all devices and crush them and get all the hoes locked away til I deem otherwise.

Jaymee's POV

Speaking to Freddie via text message he always seems to know what I'm thinking before I do. I have a dirty mind and he lived to see me squirm. He just does it for me. As I'm finished up the dishes and minor cleaning, I hear a knock on the door. I see it's Freddie. I open the door and let him walk inside. After closing the door and turning around, he picks me up and hugs me. This hug isn't a normal hug that states, "Hey I missed you so much". This hug feels like it means, "Hey I am feeling you". That's  the thing, I don't know if he is feeling me. As I lean back to look at him, his lips meet mine. I want to kiss him back but something is stopping me.

~Freddie~ Sorry
~Jaymee~ No, I wanted to kiss you back but like I said we need to really have that talk. There was a lot of things that went down when I was forced to leave.
~Freddie~ What do you mean?
~Jaymee~ what do you remember about the day you realize I had left and wasn't returning to you?

As painful as it is going to hear, I need to know what he remembers or what he had been told.

~Freddie~ When I went to look for you that day I over heard someone telling my dad that you didn't want anything to do with me because of me being in line to become the next club President. So as I was walking out the door to hop on my bike to see you,  Letti one of the former whöres and pops came out and told me what I had over heard. I had no way of contacting you because the old number I had was blocked.

I'm pïssed. That was not why I left. I had absolutely no choice in the matter.

~Jaymee~ number one, why I left was after my parents divorced, my mom wanted me to finish out my schooling here. She didn't want it to cause me to fail and not graduate. But shortly after I had graduated high school, my mother gave me an ultimatum, if I wanted the money I had been given by my father and grandparents, then I would up and leave here and go with her. I gave my new address to Cynthia and she said she would give it to you.
~Freddie~ She never did give it to me. She said you were angry that I didn't come after you and that you couldn't handle me becoming Club President when I was suppose too. I now realize it wasn't true. I believed it for the longest time. It was about two years after you left. Then we found out about 7 years later, she was lying and she was shacking up with the Stainless Sins. I wish I came after you. We have no clue how she was able to block your number from my phone.
~Jaymee~ she never did like me did she?
~Freddie~ no because she saw how close we used to be. I want that back.
~Jaymee~ me too.

For the rest of the day, Freddie and I cuddle and talk. When he went to head back home to the clubhouse, I leaned in and kissed him. He didn't stop, he pulled me up and made the deeper and more passionate.

I hope this isn't a fluke.

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