thirty four

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The car ride home was silent. Chaeyoung glanced over at Lisa, knowing by the expression on the girl's face that she was thinking over everything in her head. Lisa needed time to process everything, Chaeyoung understood that.

Quietly, Chaeyoung reached over and took Lisa's hand in her own. The Thai girl looked up at Chaeyoung before looking back down at their hands, feeling her girlfriend trace small circles on the back of her palm. It surprised her how just one simple touch could bring her so much comfort.

Once they pulled into her driveway, Chaeyoung gave Lisa's hand a light squeeze to let her know they had arrived home. The Thai girl looked up, glancing back and forth from Chaeyoung to the house and smiling nervously when she saw multiple cars parked in the driveway.

"Shit," Chaeyoung cursed under her breath. "My dad must have people over..." she bit her lip and studied her girlfriend's expression. Surprisingly, Lisa put on a brave smile and squeezed Chaeyoung's hand before slipping out of the car.

"We can just go upstairs," Chaeyoung shook her head, catching up to Lisa and following her up the path to the front door. "We don't have to-,"

"Liiiiiiisa!" Daniela smiled widely, pushing open the front door and running out to grab the older girl's hand. "Daddy's making hot dogs! Come on!"

Chaeyoung was about to say something, but Lisa glanced back at her and gave her an apologetic smile before following Daniela into the backyard. Chaeyoung stood confused for a few seconds, quickly recomposing herself and jogging after Lisa.

Chaeyoung was quickly swept off to greet the family members that had come for dinner, but she continued to keep a watchful eye on Lisa, who had been pulled into a game of keep-away with the younger kids.

Once Chaeyoung was able to peel herself away from her relatives, she jogged over to the group of kids and gave Lisa a small smile, motioning for her to come over. "Mind if I borrow her for a little bit?" she laughed, turning to Daniela, who nodded happily before returning to her game.

"Figured you could use a break," Chaeyoung laughed softly when Lisa looked at her in confusion. The Thai girl nodded in agreement. Sometimes Chaeyoung knew her better than she knew herself.

Chaeyoung grabbed Lisa's hand, glancing behind them before leading her over to the treehouse in their backyard. She'd spent many days in there as a kid when she needed to get away and clear her head. Maybe it would do the same for Lisa.

After climbing up into the treehouse, Chaeyoung offered a hand to Lisa, who took it tediously. Chaeyoung laid back on the wooden floor and stared up at the roof, turning to look at Lisa who sat quietly next to her. She realized the girl hadn't spoken a word since they got in the car.

"What're you thinking about?" Chaeyoung asked quietly, reaching out and lacing their fingers together. Lisa glanced down at her girlfriend, biting her lip and looking down at their hands.

"Was it my fault?" the Thai girl finally spoke, filling the empty air. Chaeyoung instantly sat up, tilting her head to the side.

"What?" the blonde girl asked. Lisa shrugged and shook her head, trying to dismiss her question. Of course, Chaeyoung wouldn't allow that to happen.

"No, what?" Chaeyoung asked quietly, tugging on Lisa's hand. "I wanna know what's on your mind."

The Thai girl sighed heavily and looked back at Chaeyoung, pausing for a moment. "Why?" Lisa whispered. Chaeyoung opened her mouth to speak, but Lisa shook her head, causing Chaeyoung to quickly clamp her jaw shut.

"Why did he hate me?" Lisa spoke up, furrowing her eyebrows. "Why did he hurt me? What did I do wrong?" her voice cracked slightly and Chaeyoung immediately shook her head, scooting forwards so she was facing Lisa.

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