twenty four

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Lisa's mood continued to plummet. Two days later, Chaeyoung managed to drag her out of bed and make her tag along to class. They sat at their usual table with Maia and Toby, and Chaeyoung immediately got to work on finishing her painting. It was the Friday before spring break, and she had no time to waste.

She was so focused on her easel that she didn't pay much attention to Lisa, who was painting her own canvas. Chaeyoung finally finished her painting, and just in time. The teacher dismissed the class just as she set her brush down and took a step backwards.

"Whatd'ya think, Lili?" Chaeyoung turned around, smiling softly. Her smile quickly faded when she saw Lisa asleep with her head on the table, and a completely black canvas next to her.

"Lili... Lisa," Chaeyoung moved over and gently shook the girl awake. Lisa mumbled something inaudible and looked up at Chaeyoung with a confused expression on her face.

"What is this?" Chaeyoung laughed nervously, pointing to the canvas. Lisa squinted, blinked a few times, and shrugged before lying her head back down on the table.

Chaeyoung glanced over at Maia worriedly. The brunette girl raised an eyebrow, just as confused as Chaeyoung was. Growing concerned, the older girl quickly cleaned up their table before tugging Lisa to her feet.

"C'mon, sleepyhead, we're gonna go get pizza," Chaeyoung bit her lip hopefully. Luckily, Lisa smiled and nodded her head.

"I liiiikeeee pizza," she yawned mid-sentence, tugging on her beanie. Chaeyoung looked over at Maia and Toby.

"Wanna celebrate spring break with us?" Chaeyoung asked, inviting them to join along. They accepted, and soon all four classmates were packed into a booth at Laurenzo's.

"Pizza," Lisa whispered, tapping Chaeyoung's shoulder and looking around. "Where is it?"

"It's coming, goofball," Chaeyoung laughed and ruffled Lisa's hair. The younger girl scoffed playfully and reached up to fix her beanie.

Surprisingly, when the pizza did arrive at the table, Lisa didn't even finish once slice. Typically, the girl would barrel through at least two slices. Chaeyoung grew concerned, but when she asked Lisa if something was wrong, the younger girl simply shook her head.

Lisa was quiet on the drive home. The only sound that could be heard was the younger girl's steady tapping of her fingers against the window.

"We're home," Chaeyoung said quietly. Lisa just nodded and followed Chaeyoung upstairs to the apartment. Chaeyoung watched as her girlfriend headed towards the staircase as soon as they got inside.

"Wait, Lili," Chaeyoung jogged forwards and grabbed Lisa's hand. "Something's wrong. I can tell."

"I am fine," Lisa insisted, shaking her head. Chaeyoung didn't believe it one bit.

"Lisa, you h-,"

"I am fine!" Lisa snapped, yanking her arm out of Chaeyoung's grip and storming upstairs. The unexpected outburst took Chaeyoung by surprise, and it took her brain a few seconds to register what had just happened.

Chaeyoung knew better than to continue to question Lisa. It would only bother the girl more. Unsure of what to do, Chaeyoung ascended the stairs slowly. She heard rustling in the bathroom and realized Lisa was with Louis. Hopefully that would help her calm down a bit.

Chaeyoung was just about to enter her bedroom when she heard a groan of frustration. Raising an eyebrow, she quietly moved towards the door and listened.

Lisa was playing the piano, Chaeyoung realized. The younger girl would get the first few notes of twinkle twinkle little star, but then miss a key and slam her hands down on the keyboard in anger. This would result in a loud screeching noise from the piano, and another frustrated groan from Lisa.

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