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"She's not gonna wake up, Jisoo, I already tried," Chaeyoung whispered, glancing at the Thai girl on the bed. Jisoo dismissed her claim and smirked.

"Pizza's here!" she yelled, clapping her hands together.

Lisa's eyes fluttered open and a few moments later, her head shot up in confusion. "Pizza?" she mumbled, blowing a loose strand of hair out of her face and looking at the two girls that stood in front of her.

"Holy shit," Chaeyoung laughed under her breath, raising an eyebrow at Jisoo. Lisa groaned and buried her face in the pillow.

"That is not funny," Lisa's muffled voice rang out from against the pillow. Chaeyoung laughed and scooted closer to the bed, finding Lisa's hand under the blanket and squeezing it.

"Hey, c'mon, you get to come to class with me today," Chaeyoung said softly, biting her lip and hoping Lisa wouldn't react negatively. The Thai girl immediately looked up in confusion.

"Somi's schedule got turned around and so now you're gonna have to tag along with me on Tuesdays and Thursdays," Chaeyoung subtly motioned to Jisoo that she could handle it from there. The Korean girl got the message and slipped out of the room.

It wasn't that Chaeyoung didn't trust Lisa home alone, because she did. It was just that she'd rather not spend the day worrying about the other girl. She would much rather have Lisa by her side.

To be frank, she did panic when she realized Somi wouldn't be home with Lisa. She was slightly worried about what having Lisa with her would do. But she was also comforted by the fact that her teacher had already met Lisa, and seemed to be accepting of her. She just hoped he wouldn't mind having an extra student in his class.

"What?" Lisa pushed herself into a sitting position, wiping her eyes and looking around the room tiredly. Chaeyoung couldn't help but smile at the Thai girl's sleepy confusion. Lisa yawned softly and gave Chaeyoung a tired smile.

"You get to come to class and watch me draw, is that cool?" Chaeyoung asked, sitting down next to Lisa and smoothing out her tousled hair. Lisa's face lit up and she nodded.

"You know how to act in a classroom, right?" Chaeyoung tilted her head to the side. Lisa giggled.

"Duh," she raised her hand up in the air. "You raise your hand when you have to go to the bathroom."

Chaeyoung bit her lip nervously. "Actually-,"

"I was joking," Lisa laughed. Chaeyoung sighed in relief. Lisa had been cracking believable jokes more often, and Chaeyoung still wasn't used to it.

"I will be good, do not be annoying," Lisa teased and stood up from the bed. She opened the closet and scanned it slowly, before looking back at Chaeyoung. "What do I wear?"

"Whatever you want," Chaeyoung walked up behind the Thai girl, wrapping her arms around her waist and planting a kiss on her cheek. "Just make sure it's warm, cause' the studio is freezing."

Lisa giggled, watching as Chaeyoung reached over her shoulders and grabbed a pair of jeans out of the dresser. Once she found what she wanted to wear, she slipped into the bathroom while Chaeyoung got changed in the bedroom.

Chaeyoung paused for a moment when she heard a sound of frustration coming from the bathroom. Raising an eyebrow, Chaeyoung tiptoed across the hallway.

"You okay in there?" Chaeyoung knocked on the door twice. When she didn't receive an answer, she opened the door slowly and peered into the small bathroom. Lisa was leaning over the sink, trying to apply mascara to her eyelashes with a shaky hand.

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