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Lisa furrowed her eyebrows. This didn't look right. She twirled around in front of the mirror and huffed.

"You are not pretty," she stated, pulling the navy dress over her head and tossing it aside. Her eyes landed on the pastel yellow dress hanging in the closet, but she forced herself to look away. It was bright. That wasn't normal. Chaeyoung wanted her to be normal.

After Chaeyoung had left the next morning, Lisa immediately locked herself in the bedroom and began practicing. Practicing for being normal.

Jisoo had said the 'normal' couples went to the party. So Lisa had to be normal. That's what Chaeyoung would want.

The girl padded back over to the closet. She didn't want to wear a dress, she decided. That was okay. Normal people could wear skirts, too.

Lisa retrieved her favorite purple skirt from the closet and slipped it on. She smiled happily at herself in the mirror, pleased with her reflection. After finding a ruffled white top to wear as well, Lisa studied herself in the mirror. She looked normal.

Luckily, she had watched Chaeyoung do her hair enough times to catch on to what she needed to do. She shuffled across the hallway and found the pink spray bottle that the older girl always used. Lisa turned it around in her hands, furrowing her eyebrows when she realized she wasn't sure how to use it.

A few seconds later, she was coughing and spitting out the foul tasting substance into the sink. Well, at least she found out how to use it.

After wiping her face on a towel, Lisa sprayed the product in her hair a few times and set the bottle down. She studied her reflection intently while she ran her fingers through her hair a few times.

All that was left was makeup. This was the part she was unsure of. She remembered Chaeyoung using a black bag in the cabinets. Lisa knelt down, retrieving the makeup bag and dumping its contents onto the counter.

The girl immediately grabbed a colorful container, struggling to pop the lid off. She didn't know her own strength, though, because once she finally got the lid off, bobby pins went flying across the tile floor.

"Shhh," Lisa whispered, bending down and beginning to pick all the small pieces up. When she stood up with her handfuls of bobby pins, she nearly fell back down as she came face to face with Jennie.

"What're you doing?" the older girl asked, raising an eyebrow at Lisa's outfit.

"I..." Lisa shook her head, spilling the bobby pins back into the small container. "I am getting ready."

"For what?" Jennie asked. Lisa motioned to her outfit and smiled.

"The party," she hummed, turning back to the sink and studying the makeup products she'd placed on the counter. "Me and Rosie are going."

"Does Chaeyoung know this?" Jennie laughed softly, slipping past Lisa and sitting on the edge of the bathtub. Lisa furrowed her eyebrows and shrugged.

"She will when she gets back," Lisa giggled and held up a makeup brush. Tilting her head to the side, the younger girl grew confused.

"I do not know what I am doing," Lisa confessed, turning to Jennie and holding up the brush. The other girl laughed, standing up and shaking her head.

"You don't use that first," she took the brush from Lisa and placed it back down on the counter. "You don't need a lot of make up."

"But I have to be pretty," Lisa raised her eyebrows pleadingly.

"You already are, doofus," Jennie laughed and grabbed a circular container of blush, opening it and turning to Lisa. "Is it okay if I help you?"

Lisa nodded, smiling excitedly. Jennie laughed and gently turned Lisa so she was facing her. She began brushing the blush on Lisa's cheeks, which caused the younger girl to giggle.

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