Chapter 13: Changes

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Hours past after Amity went to her room to nap and when she awoke, she yawned as she got up and stretched on her bed. Popping some bones and limbering up as she sat on her bed and blinked a bit.

"Mmm, that was the best nap of my life." Amity said to herself as she looked outside but was surprise to see the moon in the sky instead of the sun! "How long was I asleep?!"

Quickly drawing a spell circle, Amity summoned her scroll and looked at the clock with wide eyes!

'9:27pm?! I napped for almost 10 hours?!' Amity thought in shock as she nearly dropped her scroll!

She was going to ask herself why she slept so long before a large rumbling disturbed her and she moved a hand to her stomach. Due to the long nap and thus missing lunch, Amity appetite was understandably big as she put her scroll away.

'They must've had dinner by now. Wonder if they left my any in the fridge?' Amity thought as she left her room and went to the kitchen.

Walking downstairs, Amity wondered what kind of food she would find or what she could find if the dinner they had without her wasn't to her liking. Arriving in the kitchen, Amity turned on the lights and looked towards the pantry first. She could grab some water or a soda from their since all that was in the fridge was juice and milk.

'Hmm, milk.' She thought, the diary product sounding pretty refreshing right now. 'Maybe I'll have a glass of milk with dinner instead.'

Changing back to the fridge, Amity opened the door and reached for the milk on the top shelf. The creamy beverage was set on the kitchen counter as Amity looked around for leftovers from dinner or something else to eat. She looked and saw a plate of food wrapped up, most likely for her but she turned away from it when she saw something else that looked good.

'Demonic salmon.' Amity thought as she gazed at a wrapped farmer's market fish with purple scales and black fins.

It was the finest fish people could get on the Boiling Isles and a rare catch of once a month. The Blights liked to save such a treat for a good occasion, but it would be around for that occasion. Amity's eyes flashed green and predatory for a moment before she blink and grabbed the fish with both hands!

'Tonight's dinner is seafood!' Amity thought as she shut the fridge door and licked her lips as she gazed at the demonic salmon.

Drawing a spell circle, Amity summoned an abomination and pointed it to a cabinet.

"Plate, glass! Now!" She ordered it as it slowly moved to the cabinet.

The abomination groaned as it opened the cabinet and grabbed what it's master ordered before bringing it back to her, the goo from its body not sticking to either. Once she got them Amity poured herself a glass of milk and pushed the carton to her creation, knowing it would be smart enough to return it to the fridge as she put the cold salmon on her plate. Her rational mind was telling her to cook the fish but something else was telling her to just dig into it right now!

'So good looking...I doesn't matter if it's cooked, should it?' Amity thought as her eyes changed again before she quickly unwrapped the fish and opened her mouth wide.

With a somewhat roar, Amity bit right into the demonic salmon and chewed. Normally someone would recoil from eating raw fish but Amity didn't mind.

'Soooo good!' She thought as she took another bite, spitting any bones to the wrap as she ate.

While eating the uncooked fish, Amity accidentally knocked over her glass of milk into her plate and it pooled without spiking on the table. Seeing the milk on her plate, Amity should've gotten napkins to clean it up but instead she began to lap it up with her tongue as she ate her fish. This was her strangest dinner to date but Amity didn't really care as she keep eating the salmon and lapping up milk until her dinner was finished. Amity sighed in relief as her stomach was full and her abomination was cleaning up her eating area.

'So full.' Amity thought as she patted her stomach and headed back up to her room, thinking a bath would be needed before she went back to sleep.

Arriving back in her room and going to her personal bathroom, Amity turned on the bathtub water so it can fill before going to the sink to brush her teeth. Looking over the sink, Amity grabbed her toothbrush and the tooth paste before she began to brushing her teeth while also taking notice of her...nails.

'They've grown, I guess it's time to trim them again.' she thought while putting how fast they grew aside, continuing to brush her teeth. 'Must've grown from stress I guess.'

A few minutes into brushing, Amity got a better look at her teeth and saw that they were sharp. Only slightly sharper than how they usually were if her eyes were correcting but that could still be a result of puberty or just being a growing girl, so Amity just focused on cleaning her teeth before it was time for her to spit and gargle. Once that was done, she went back to the tub and shut off the water so it doesn't overflow.

"Now for the temperature." Amity said to herself before sticking her finger into the water, getting a sort of shiver un her spine the moment she touch water? "It's just right but why did I feel a chill?"

Pulling her finger back, Amity thought about the chill she felt and why it happened to her. Hot water wasn't suppose to give you a chill, a nice warmth or a burn maybe, but never a chill. Maybe it was just her imagination. Shrugging her shoulders, Amity refused on getting clean for the night before going back to bed but as she undressed to get in the bath, something was appearing out of her lower back in the form of a...nub. A small, purplish nub that was slowly growing; so slowly that Amity wouldn't even notice until it was too late.

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