Candy Pop - The Purple Balloon (REWRITE)

Start from the beginning

The last time I had that nightmare, I woke up with a jolt and realized that the sun was setting. I waited in my room for several hours. The grating sound of the clock above me contributed to my frustration. I did not hear my father and stepmother yelling at each other the entire time, which was strange.

I feared that something was wrong, and the eerie silence heightened my anxiety until I couldn't take it anymore. In my haste, I got to the door and before I could get to the doorknob, it swung open. It was my dad. Beaten and bruised from the abuse my stepmother inflicted upon him. I gazed up at his tired face as I slowly stepped towards him.

Then and there, I decided that enough was enough. I lost all rational thought as I grabbed his hand. I gathered my strength and made my way past my stepmother by pushing her aside. Seeing the rage plaster upon her face made me panic as I tugged my father to his car.

I got him into the passenger's side and scooted over to the driver's side. I frantically locked the doors as I looked for my father's keys. I could hear my stepmother's foul words, cursing out my name.

"ALEXA!" She yelled in a growling, hoarse voice.

My only thought was to take my father away from here as fast as I could. I panicked as I struggled to find the keys in the little light that I had. A sudden bang on the car window put me into a state of shock as my eyes snapped back to it. I saw my stepmother holding up a baseball bat and bashing it against a window. I screamed in terror as my stepmother slammed the baseball bat against the doors and windows again and again. It must have been enough to finally snap my father out of his haze. He grabbed the keys out of the glove compartment and suddenly grabbed me. He shoved me out of the seat before he finally started the car and finally sped off, leaving a trail of smoke and skid marks behind.

My panic only heightened as we flew down the road. I pleaded with him to slow down, but he only sped up more. I could feel the vehicle start to spin out of control. The sudden thrashing shook both of us in turbulence, and the spinning finally stopped when the car crashed into a streetlight. The restraints from the seatbelt that were supposed to save me broke, and I was thrown out the windshield. I landed several feet away from the crash, and everything went black upon impact.

I thought I was dead. When I was able to force my eyes open, I felt isolated. The cold, hard ground beneath me sent goosebumps along my skin. I was gripped with sudden pain as I sat up. My head was pounding from the hard landing. I tried to steady myself, but then I realized that all I could hear was the hollow sound of a car alarm. There wasn't any other noise. Even the cool breeze that touched my skin was silent. I slowly brought myself to my feet. While looking around, I realized that something was wrong.

"Dad?!" I called out. There was no answer.

I hollered my father's name over and over in dismay. Still no answer. I screamed again and again, only to be greeted by silence. I had to stop before I not only lost my father, but my voice as well. I was so worn out I couldn't stop rubbing my eyes. The more I did, the more the light around me started to fade into darkness. I felt uneasy as I opened my eyes, I was suddenly blinded by a single spotlight, and everything around me seemed to fade into obscurity. I looked down, and I saw to my shock that the ground was made of cobblestone.

Before I could tell what was going on, I heard a faint jingling sound echoing around me. It was followed by laughter, which made my anxiety well up again. I called out, hoping it was my father.

"H-Hello? Dad? Is that you?"

I waited several minutes, but there was no reply; it only seemed to confirm my worst fear. I felt the hairs on the back of my neck standing straight as I felt an overwhelming presence appear behind me. I turned around quickly, and there, in colors of blue, magenta, and... teal, stood a towering jester, who carried a mischievous and lazy demeanor.

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