8》Trust Issues

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"Trust if you can make me sure about your ability to be my lawyer!"

"You challenge me? Fine! I will show how we had trust issue as a lawyer not fiancee, Mr. Jeon Wonwoo."

She dash out and take her handbag while glaring at him. He smash his tabel while ruffling his hair thinking how the day was ruined of that stupid article spread.


As the courtroom was filled with only people who had to be there already silence. Before the main door closed, she saw Wonwoo out from car and glad no camera or media as this will protect the building image.

 Before the main door closed, she saw Wonwoo out from car and glad no camera or media as this will protect the building image

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She not even try to see him sitting beside her. But what trigger Wonwoo shock was when Sarah at other side table. Before the two side can start the battle, the judger welcome the last witness lawyer from psychology lawyer who need to had his last intergorate.

Its been 40 minutes the room was start but then take a break as the first round was found that psychology lawyer was not a culprit. They had given 20 minutes to break and Wonwoo pull her to her own office to had privacy talk.

"Why Sarah was there?!"

"Why you have to know about her existence? She the culprit after all!"

"She? Yah! I know how much you hate her because the past but mind explain why she is the one?"

"This is not about past and not even my revenge. I handle this cases and of course i found the way to show who behind this!"

He ruffle his hair as more tension stuck his mind. He not even understand what was happening. She even not give any scared or doubtful face.

"As i said i had my own way. The trust of us will start now."

She leave him stone when he heard her strong words. Of course they had another 5 minutes before start and all just silence between them. The wall of them already built as ego start to rise in their head.

Wonwoo sit at witness seat and not even see how interest Mina she is to look at him. Pity? Not even single second. Sympathy? She wont had it for now. Confident? Oh yed she is! What abiut Sarah? She might had small figure body but yeah well her face show not even care.

"The cases round start now!"

Sarah lawyer get up and start to question Wonwoo. Yes he answer it all with not even had one mistakes or stutter.

"At **/**/20**, Mr. Wonwoo where you were at evening?"

"The end of work time was 3.30 pm and thats when all went back home. So was i with my assistant."

"But you had different car?"

"I just only had one car and my assistant use her own. As exactly we just walking together until parking lot."

"But before 20 minutes end of work, where were you?"

"I was at ceo office to discuss a word with him as he the one who called me."

11♡Our Side (WonMina X MinTzu)✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora