"Whatever- " Blaise paused as they started walking to the great hall. "It was a bit of fun." He smiled to himself faintly, pocketing his hands.

"Fun because you got to injure me?" Daphne spoke up. Blaise immediately nodded.

"The nerve." She muttered as the six all walked along. They finally reached the great hall and all sat at the Slytherin table absentmindedly. Y/n looked back to the Ravenclaw table and saw looks of disappointment at her choice of table and who she was sat with. She rolled her eyes annoyingly and started eating her dinner.

The six all ate their food, not really minding that they all sat next to each other.

"Why have we sat next to them again?" Daphne asked her two friends in a whisper.

"I mean, we studied with them... played games with them on the train... you blew up a library with Zabini.." Y/n whispered slowly counting on her fingers. "I'd expect anyone would be friends after they blew up a library together." Pansy continued taking a bite of her chicken.

"For the last time," Daphne said in a low growl. "I didn't blow up the library, and it wasn't my fault!" She said loudly, banging her fist on the table which caused a few stares to come their way.

The boys all looked up from their food to the three girls across from them. They all smiled awkwardly and Pansy shooed them away with her hand, and with that the boys all looked back at their food.

"Anyways, that's the reason why we are here on this very lovely evening." Y/n cut a piece of her chicken. "And honestly, we needed a fun last year." She shrugged.

Pansy and Daphne didn't answer as they looked behind Y/n. She gave them a weird look and looked behind her.

"Oh! Ced!" Y/n said smiling getting up. The boys attention all went to y/n and Cedric.

"Hey." He smiled as he hugged her. Daphne and Pansy shrugged and went back to their food, along with the boys. Except for Draco, who discreetly listened in.

"Come, let's talk over there." Y/n said pointing a few metres away and he nodded, grabbing her hand softly as he led them there.

"So?" Y/n paused grabbing his hands, holding them in front of her. "What did you want to talk about?" She finished, smiling. Finally they were becoming closer and he even came to her, to talk to her.

He had a weird look to his face. "Why are you sitting with those people? Didn't you hear? They set fire to the library.. you could be expelled by hanging with them." He told her and her smile faltered.

Draco perked up a little at seeing her smile drop. She slowly let go of his hands and he let her easily.

"Well.. I did hear. But it was an honest accident. Plus, what is being a teenager without causing some trouble once in a while?"

"Sure, but what would of happened if you were in that library? You could have gotten injured or sent to the hospital wing." He said sternly, leaning in slightly.

"Ced, I see where you're coming from. But I'm a perfectly capable witch. I know how to use magic, I know how to get out of a situation like that. Are you doubting it?"

He sighed. "Just stop hanging out with them."

She looked taken back and gave a quick glance at her friends. Yes, even her three new friends. They looked like they were giggling together and frankly, she wanted to be apart of it; not here, getting told off for hanging out with who she wanted.

"I want to hang out with them. They're nice, funny and caring-"

"-Caring?" He scoffed. "They put you in danger on the train, who knows what other dangers they could put you in? They could set fire to you for all you know!" He whispered to her sternly.

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