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"Here you go Arai! sorry it's not much, I already ate half of it" Sasha chuckled

"I'll get some more later okay?" She softly smiled

She placed the potato on the tombstone.

She sat down next to it.

"I'm still really mad I didn't get to beat you up... Arai"

She tried her hardest to keep her smile, trying not to cry.

"You idiot Arai!"

"I wanted to beat you up so bad!"

"I'll beat you up!"

She couldn't handle it anymore

Tears rushed down her face

Her tears fell onto the tombstone.

She felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Sasha, go inside... I'll be there in a minute" Connie pulled her up

She quickly ran away, unable to stop crying.

"You're the only person shes shared food with Arai" He chuckled

He placed his hand on the stone

"I wish you could've been here, when she told me she loved me..."

"She told me you inspired her...thank you , Arai"

His vision began to blur, he quickly wiped his eyes.

He rubbed his hand on the stone one more time , before heading back inside to check on his girlfriend, Sasha.

As he left, another one came.


"Hey Arai, I drew a picture for you today!"

The little blonde boy giggled as he sat down

"Look! that's me and you playing in the flower field, that's Jean and Eren, fighting as Mikasa is watching over them, There's Connie and Sasha kissing, I hope you like it" He laughed as he pointed to who was who.

He admired her, his eyes sparkled as he set the drawing beside her stone.

As much as Armin tried to think positive, it never lasted long, he slowly dropped his smile.

"You idiot Arai... you promised me we'd go to the sea" He chuckled

"I really wanted to go with you!"

"That was our expedition.."

"you promised me!"

The blonde boy quickly got up, turning away.

He ran , far, far away from this nightmare he was in front of.

He always did. He didn't want Arai to think he was a big baby.

But she always admired him.

"Look at that kid crying again, he's such a big baby isn't he?" Jean sat down as he rolled his eyes

"He's always crying."

"He needs to man up doesn't he Arai" Jean laughed

He placed his hand on the stone.

"You're lucky I couldn't get to kill you myself, I would've made you suffer you little shit"

He sat in silence

"I would've had a little more time with you..."

He reached for his pocket , pulling something out.

"Here you go... I told you not to take it off idiot." He threw the bracelet on the tombstone.

"I really hate you Arai" He said as I tear ran down his cheek

He clenched his jaw, holding in his tears.

He slowly stood up , carefully looking at the bracelet one last time.

As he turned around, he was met by the most beautiful girl he had laid his eyes on.

"Oh hey Mikasa!" He quickly wiped his tear off, fixing his hair and clothes

"are you crying" She spoke up

"What?! pft! No!I don't cry" He nervously chucked at her

She just walked past him.

He sighed, poor boy still couldn't get the girl.

Mikasa sat down infront of the stone.

She sat in silence.

Mikasa always tried her best to seem brave and strong.

Unable to speak as she silently cried in pain.

Losing her best friend wasn't easy on her.

"Why did you have to do it?..."

"You could've lived you big idiot!"

She began to cry loudly, it hurt to hear the pain in her voice.


He put his hand on her shoulder as he slowly sat down next to her.

He lightly smiled to her, as he fixed her scarf for her.


He looked to the tombstone.

Part of him had felt responsible for her death, if he hadn't tackled the titan, she would've never died.

He never would've watched his friend die...

He watched as she slowly she hit the floor, it snapped her neck almost immediately on impact , meaning she most likely hadn't felt the pain as she died.

He was angry all the time

Angry that he was the reason she was now 6 feet below the ground.

"I'm sorry Arai..."

The tears began

Mikasa stared at him

As he furrowed his eyebrows in frustration, clenching his teeth as tears ran down.

"You're a hero Arai"

" You risked your life for the commander... you're nothing but a hero!"

Mikasa hugged him as he cried in agony.

He would forever feel guilty.

"I didn't mean to kill her" He screamed

Mikasa only held him closer

"Eren. You didn't cause this. She died for Erwin, she knew what was going to happen , yet she still did it"

Eren wrapped his arms around Mikasa as she hugged him

In the end, it was clear Arai saved Erwin, sacrificing herself to have future scouts be trained as well by the commander... she wanted to keep the legacy going.

"It's getting dark Eren...we should go eat for dinner" She softly spoke

They said their goodbyes to their dear friend.

They headed back inside with the others.

All they truly wanted to was to be able to tell her they loved her.

But their time was cut short.

smile -levi ackermanWhere stories live. Discover now