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"Arai, don't you dare waste your time on me! go now!"

I didn't listen.

I grabbed his waist, pulling him up.

I felt his blood drip onto me, it didn't faze me.

The ground rumbled as the titan moved.

"I am your listen to me Arai, let me go! save yourself" He yelled

I ignored his orders

I pulled him into a building for safety, slowly dropping him on the floor.

His arm was missing.

"What are you doing?! save yourself!." He cried in pain.

I showed no emotion

Just like someone else I knew.

I watched his face, how angry he was.

"I'm not letting you die commander."

"Arai! go, leave me here, if it's my time then it's my time!"

His breath was getting shorter and shorter.

He wouldn't have much time left if he didn't get to safety.

"No! commander...we have to retreat, we can fix you!"

I was out of breath, trying to hold him up was difficult, I couldn't possibly be able to hold his body weight. I was half his size.

"We're not letting you die." I assured him

I pulled him to me.

I had no plan.

All I had was the gear.

"It wouldn't hurt to try commander, you need to live... they need you."

As I held him by his waist, I used the ODM gear.

I hoped Reiner wasn't going after us.


I couldn't let him die

Not another one.

I wouldn't let anyone else die.

I geared us farther away from the titan.

Setting him down next to a tree

He wasn't doing too good.

Reiner spotted us, quickly jolting to us.

His main target was Erwin.

He was the strongest one.

He was the commander.

Without him, scouts were nothing

And everyone knew that

Including the giant titan in front of us.

"Arai leave!"

"Arai, it's coming this way , stop being a complete idiot!"


I held onto my swords, tighning my grip.

It came closer and closer.

I stood infront of Erwin

Using myself as a shield.

I wasn't letting him go this easily.

Reiners titan reached for Erwin

I quickly geared up to his shoulder.

Slashing his titan, doing almost no damage.


I did whatever damage I could, but he was far too strong...

Reiner grabbed me, breaking the ODM gear, I lost my grip on the swords, causing them to fall.

"You fucking traitors!"

I screamed

I knew it was Riener behind this titan.

I knew somewhere Annie and Bertholdt would come soon if Riener had been losing .

As he held onto me I saw another titan in the distance.

Eren ?


As Eren got louder this got Rieners attention.

He slowly turned his titan around.

Quickly being tackled down by Eren.

As he fell, he let his grip slip

Too bad I had been so high up.

I was free falling

Just like how I did before

Only Levi wasnt here to have been able to save me.


I heard commander yell

He had made it.

He was still alive.

I relaxed my body as I heard his voice.

It felt like everything was in slow motion.

I was high up , slowly falling...

It felt, somewhat peaceful?

The cool wind , brushing against my body...

The sun beamed down.

I knew my ending.

I knew it was now.

Maybe if I didn't save Erwin, I would've had another chance

That would never happen, I would save him a millions times again.

But in the end

I hoped everyone would think of me as a hero.

Maybe even Jean would admit to it.

And maybe

I would've been with you, Levi.

smile -levi ackermanWhere stories live. Discover now