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We all began to pack up the campsite, we'd be heading more north today.

Marco left the envelope in my tent , he put it away perfectly, not wanting to ruin it.

I sighed as I grabbed it, shoving it down my pocket.

I still wanted nothing to do with it

It could be destroyed for all I care...

I grabbed all the essentials, putting them on my horse.


I jumped as this caught me off guard

It was Marco.

But he seemed a little off.

" good?"

"Arai, I-I ...I think, w-"

He stumbling his words

I sat him down, giving him some of my water.

He was shaking.

Sweat dropped from his forehead.

He leaned in

whispering in my ear

"I think Reiners the amoured titan."

My body froze.

These words took over my thoughts.


Marco was clearly disturbed

"I heard them... There all titans."

He began to hyperventilate.

"Marco...Marco listen to me"

"Maybe it's not what you thought"

I tried fixing the situation

"Arai, I know what I heard... their titans."

In my gut , I sone what believed it. It would make sense.

Why they were so close and separated from the other scouts, there sketchy actions.

That's how Reiner knew about the expedition.

Because he was the armored titan.

"Oh fuck."

"I think they know I heard them"

Marco was extremely shaken up.

So was I

We've been working with traitors.


Me and Marco geared our way through the different buildings

We smelled like titan blood , as it was dripping all over us.

"There's too many , how can commander Erwin expect us to kill them all?" I wiped my sweat

They started coming from both sides

"We have to split up Marco"

"Be careful Arai"

I nodded

We went our separate ways, I charged at them, showing no remorse nor emotion.

smile -levi ackermanWhere stories live. Discover now