CH 3 - It's Windy today, isn't it?

Start from the beginning

"Seriously Paimon, Your knowledge would be so useful you could get a job as a... Tour guide or something!"

"But Paimon doesn't want to be sold as a Slave!"

"Earn money and buy your way out, Profit"

"Gaah! That's it! Paimon had enough! Get over here!"

"Oh God the child is armed with a small stick run for your lives"


[ Lumine's POV ]



I finished off one wandering Hilichurl. "That was more likely a scout but..." I could hear Amber speak through my heavy breathing "Their recon.. shouldn't be that armed and hard..."

I wished what you said was true... This Hilichurl looked like it went through a lot of battle! "Paimon... Do you know why this Hilichurl is different from the rest?"  I called out to her as I looked back, but I received no response. (Y/N) was missing too...

Where are they...?

"Amber... Have you seen Paimon or (Y/N) around?" I asked her which made her quickly look around before showing a worried face "did they get lost?!" Her panicked voice was starting to make me worry

"Probably, Did we?"


"Graaaah!" A big Hilichurl roared as it pointed it's big axe at my position "haha, that was a cute squeal Lumine" I embarrassingly covered my face "Well then, let me show off what I could do. Amber please support me, Shoot everything I send into the air" 

I could hear a swoosh in my right ear and feel (Y/N) rubbing my head "Going to a battle, Establishing support " he said as I heard another swoosh from my right ear. I uncovered my face and saw him stand in the middle of the road with a flag in his hand and a knife on another

"Switching tactics, Go for the kill" he said as he stabbed the flag on the ground and the banner turned deep red with a black sword on it,Red stars began glowing under his feet and so does Amber... And mine...?

The big Hilichurl ran towards him with his shield, Before it could even land a hit, (Y/N) backflipped and threw the knife at the shield "Mana Thread" I could still hear him speak...

The line that always came from his hand appeared once again, attaching itself to the knife. (Y/N) pulled it hard enough causing the big one to let go of the shield "Amber, First target" he throws the shield in the air, causing Amber to quickly react and shooting it with a glowing arrow, slowly it started to burn an caused the big one to roar in anger

"Switching Tactics, Move like the wind"he said as the flag's banner slowly turned Green, The red star beneath us started blinking and a green circle was replaced "Imitation : Blade Dance" he disappeared and the Big one was slashed quickly... Although

"Grooaoooooah!" It only made the Hilichurl angry "aw that's total b.s, you want me to stab you in the eye of something?" (Y/N) reappeared right in front of it, it wasted no time on attacking (Y/N) but he quickly countered it by flipping to the side "Or do you perhaps want me to throw you into the lake or something?!" He quickly moved to the front of the Hilichurl and stabbed it in the chest


"Jeez! Shut it!" He quickly punched the Hilichurl at the jaw, causing it to shut up as it fell over and slowly turn to dust " one down, i didn't count but more to go i guess..." He looked at me with a smile on his face "Danger has been removed, you can have your fun now" I nodded, did he take out that big one just to make sure my safety when im fighting the others?

Flag Of Hope ( Genshin Impact x Male Reader ) [ Stopped ]Where stories live. Discover now