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In a dark room filled with nothing but the blinding lights and flashing images from the television, an 8 year old boy named Yoongi sits with his legs crossed and eyes glued to the screen.

Loud screams and gruesome nosies fill the room; a program clearly not for children, a program violent enough to make adults want to be sick, and yet Yoongi never looked away, never jumped nor felt sick. He was rather intrigued by the gruesome images and blood spilt.

With her hand over her mouth; Yoongi's mother watches him as she cracks his door open slightly. Her body shakes as her eyes glance at the program, only to quickly look away when the image of someone having their throat cut open shows up on the screen.

She quickly shuts the door and runs back to her and her husbands room. Up on entering their room, she looks down at the ground with tears filling her eyes.

"What's wrong?"

"H-He, he's watching those programs again. Somethings not right with him, he's 8 years old he shouldn't be watching things like that. We have to send him to a doctor or something." Yoongi's mother frantically speaks as Yoongi's father sighs and gets himself out of bed.

"I'll talk to him. Don't worry okay." And with that Yoongi's father places a kiss on his wife's cheek and makes his way to his son's room.

His cracks the door open and immediately frowns at the sight of his 8 year old son completely unfazed by the gruesome program. He quickly turns on the lights and marches over to the tv and turning it off.

Yoongi shifts his eyes up to his father and watches as he crouches down in front of him.

"Yoongi, son, those programs aren't good for you. You shouldn't be watching these kinds of things. Do you understand? It's wrong."

Not a single word comes out of Yoongi's mouth as he continues to silently stare at his father.

"I don't want to see you watching this stuff ever again okay?"

His father places his hands on his shoulder; trying to establish some sort of father son bond.



Yoongi:"What does it feel like to kill someone? Does it feel good? Does it make someone happy?"

The room drops dead silent as Yoongi's father stares at him with nothing but concern and worry as he frowns.

"N-No it doesn't feel good. It's wrong, and you shouldn't think about these things. Now get to bed."

Yoongi silently gets up and gets into bed. His father watches him for a few seconds before turning to the tv and unplugging it as he takes it. Leaving Yoongi's room; he turns off the lights and makes sure to put the tv in the storage cupboard.

───※ ·❆· ※───

On a calm Saturday morning, Yoongi sits at the kitchen table watching his mother place breakfast on the table. He then glances at his father who turns to him and smiles, yet Yoongi shows no emotion back.

𝐀 𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐂𝐈𝐌𝐄𝐍 𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐄 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now