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"Are you willing to apologise to Ashlyn, because she didn't know about your parents?"

Jimin:"Nah. I think it's fun to watch how much I can scare her. The fuck would I apologise for?"

"Knowing you can take advantage of any girl in the house, why do you do it? Why do you want them to suffer like you did? Not all women are like 'her'

Jimin:"Did I get a say in what happened to me? No I didn't. So why should any of the girls in house?"

"Other than to spite Tae and cause messy drama, is the reason you're so dedicated to ruining the last of Taesan's innocence because of the innocent that was taken from YOU as a child? Since taesan can be pretty childlike and is new to sex?"

Jimin:"I guess you can say that. In a way I'm kind of jealous of her. She gets to walk around faulting how innocent she is and everyone praises her for it like it's fucking amazing. She's 19 and got to keep being innocent for as long as she wanted. I was fucking 9."

"Do you ever see yourself settling down with someone?"

Jimin:"No I don't want to settle down. I'm fine getting as many bitches as I want."

"Do you think you'll ever be able to forgive your mother? Yeah she was clueless but she does want to fix your relationship."

Jimin:"I don't give a fuck what she wants. I'm never forgiving her."


"How is your relationship with your grandmother, she seems sweet."

Yoongi:"She's related to me. That's about it."

"Do you see yourself with India on the outside?"


"Do you see yourself settling down with someone?"

Yoongi:"I don't have time for that shit."

"When's the last time you genuinely smiled or laughed? (If ever)"

Yoongi:"I don't know. Probably when I was baby."

"Do you have sex with many girls to try and see if you can feel any connections or emotions?"

Yoongi:"At one point yeah that was the reasons. But now I couldn't care less. It entertains me to watch other people's emotions, especially when they cry."


"Jimin, go one week without food or go one week without sex?"

Jimin:"Fuck it I can eat after that week is up. I'll be having sex."

"Yoongi, If you had to marry one girl on the show, ANY GIRL, who would you tolerate most?"

Yoongi:"Probably Ashlyn. She's super emotional so i could just sit and watch her cry."

"Jimin is there anyone in the mansion you didn't want to fuck?"

Jimin:"Yeah Kaia. And what's the other girls name? Tin whatever her name is. She's boring."

"Yoongi you tryna teach me a lil Spanish?"

Yoongi:"Teach yourself."

"Jimin have you ever caught an STD?"

Jimin:"Probably i don't know."

"Yoongi would you have sex with Cam again?"

Yoongi:"Yeah why not?"

"Jimin teach me Spanish, classes start Monday :)"

Jimin:"Sure. You can pay me by fucking me."


I really hope you enjoyed this short book and I hope you enjoyed finding out more about these two demonic specimens.

Look forward to their antics in Paradise Mansion!!

The end 💕

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