Chapter 2: EVIDENCE

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(I See A Glimpse)




The light of a camera went off.

Zhang Qi Ling looked over the scene he just got to, there was blood everywhere and body parts here and there. Lung there, part of what looked like the heart over there, torn intestine hanging there.

Zhang Qi Ling stares at the scene, interesting. Well, it wasn't new, this slasher. Zhang Qi Ling still questioned if a sword was technically part of a slasher's rang of weapons, but it was close enough that everybody was calling it a slasher.

About sixteen victims already in the last two years. It was a huge thing that had gotten a lot of media, and on the Beijing's top wanted list. The press always was trying to get information on the guy. Whoever it was dubbed as the Hangzhou Sevens. All the victims had been people in Hangzhou, whether visiting or locals – though it was mostly the latter.

Zhang Qi Ling went to the little white thing that gleamed when he showed his flashlight on them and went and picked them up. Yes, a pair of dice, one white, one red. Loaded so that they always came up sevens. Zhang Qi Ling put them in one of the evidence bags. Sevens were lucky, and he could only guess that was what the significance was until further proof gave way to a new theory.

Zhang Qi Ling didn't believe in luck or any supernatural belief. It wasn't luck that caused this man to be so hard to catch or that nobody saw the suspect when they took the victims, nor was it the reason that Zhang Qi Ling, one of the best detective was called in. No. it was a toss up between skill and cleverness, and its frustrating to figure it out.

Zhang Qi Ling rubbed his eyes. He had not gotten much sleep since starting the case several months back and that showed no sign of changing anytime soon. Unless they miraculously found something new that would help, doubtful yes, but possible. All serial killers got cocky after awhile, or more relaxed, no matter what, and this one would be no different. Eventually they had to slip up. However, the trick was to catch them before they killed too many more people, not after.

It didn't help that the location that the victims were last seen in and the location of death were both random and usually very far from each other. Still, at least there was mostly a consistency of males, there was only one female to speak of as of yet who had been killed. All were usually over twenty at the very least, and quite a lot of them seemed to have a problem with alcohol, so that pointed towards possibly bars at least, and indeed they were a good place for somebody to find easy targets.

However, there were so many bars in Beijing and they couldn't keep an eye on all of them successfully. There was also no connection with jobs, hobbies or a common person, the height, color of skin and eyes varied dramatically. And sometimes they were younger or older. It truly was random and strange at times.

But then, that was what made a serial killer.

"Yaba Zhang! I mean Boss!" Zhang Qi Ling turned to his side to see Hei Xia Zi, one of his team members who just pulled him out of his thought, he nod at the man and wait for the update to come.

"Oh, geez, you could say hello or something. Anyways, a handful of teenagers, apparently some of them freaked out and ran off though. They said that they were just coming down to hang out." More like get high and have sex probably, Hei Xia Zi thought.

The caves down here were known for that sort of stuff... as well as other more illegal things, or so Zhang Qi Ling and Hei Xia Zi had heard, but they didn't care, between ecstasy or acid and a serial killer, Zhang Qi Ling was more concerned about the killer in all honesty. It was hard to find caves in Beijing, so these were popular enough.

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