The Infamous Theodore Osborn

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The next morning, Gordon woke up and sighed happily(he is still a little mouse, you know), then he smiled and blushed when he looked at Cherry's beautiful and cute face, before he could think of how to wake Cherry, his human love interest opened her adorable eyes.

Cherry:(yawned softly)Good morning, Gordy.(sat on her grand bed and held Gordon in her hands)

Gordon:(smiled)Good morning, are you feeling better, Cherry?

Cherry:(got dressed)I am, thanks for asking, come on Gordon, let's go to the dining room to have our breakfast, shall we?

Gordon:(chuckled)Why not?

So Gordon followed Cherry to the dining room(which was at the ground floor of Lau's Manor), while they and the others were having breakfast, Gordon started to feel worried for Cherry, he could see that Cherry was worried whether she and her friends could save the day, so he touched Cherry's hand gently and smiled at her, and she smiled back.

Cherry:(politely)Dad, Mum, can my friends, Gordon and I go out and investigate more about the situation?

Mr. Lau:(hugged his daughter)Of course you can!

Mrs. Lau:(agreed with her beloved husband)But make sure you join us at Topham Hall before dinner, ok?

The Eight Warriors and Gordon:(nodded)Ok!

Perry:(informed Stephen and Bridget by sending them text messages)I just informed Stephen and Bridget, they said they will wait for us at Knapford Station!

Rio:(smiled kindly)Alright guys, let's go!

After saying goodbye to Mr. and Mrs. Lau, the eight friends, Gordon and Tabitha the pet kitty drove the limousine to the entrance of Knapford Station, soon they found Stephen and Bridget waiting for them at platform 1, the Ten Warriors shared a hug happily, then they set off to their further investigations.

Stephen:(while they were inside the limousine) you guys have any idea who is behind these?

Reona:(shook his head)Not yet,(sighed sadly as he looked at the empty rails)I just hope everything will turn back to normal very soon.

Ciel:(held Reona's hand)I am sure everything will be back to normal, as long as we save the day together as a team!(The Ten Warriors and Gordon agreed, even Tabitha meowed happily)

Bridget:(caught everyone's attention)Hey guys! There's the suspicious people again!

Cherry stopped the limousine at a parking lot(where they managed to find a parking space), although they were still inside the limousine, they could clearly hear the whole conversation of those unknown people.

The leader:(laughing wickedly)Hahaha...I can't believe our plan of turning those silly engines and vehicles into animals actually works! The railways on this Earth will be shut down forever!

The leader's adviser:(wickedly)And since we have made the citizens think that Nathan guy and his pathetic friends are responsible for this, no one will be able to stop us from taking over this Earth!(He, the leader and the other henchmen laughed, but they didn't notice the Ten Warriors were spying on them from afar!)

After the villains left in their cars, inside the limousine, the Ten Warriors and Gordon looked at each other in horror, even Tabitha meowed nervously.

Reona:(covered his face with his hands)Oh dear, what are we going to do?

Cherry:(angrily)Those people are so mean and cruel, they're doing nothing but framing Mr. Nathan and deceiving the innocent! We have to tell everyone!

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