"Please," Lisa shook her head, squeezing her eyes shut and tightening her grip on the gun, pushing it back towards him with everything she had. "Please put it aw-,"

A loud, piercing noise cut through the air. Lisa instinctively brought her hands up to her ears and squeezed her eyes shut.

She wasn't sure what she felt next. But something was different. When the sound dissipated from the air, Lisa cautiously lowered her hands and opened her eyes.

That's when she saw it. The moment her eyes landed on the man, now lying on the floor, Lisa panicked. His eyes were half lidded, blood pooling around his chest and staining his t-shirt.

"No!" Lisa cried, looking down at the gun on the ground and feeling the tears finally spill down her cheeks. "No!" she repeated. The Thai girl slid down to her knees next to the man.

"I am sorry," Lisa whimpered, begging for his forgiveness. "I am sorry. Sorry, no," she shook her head and grabbed his shoulders, trying to shake him back into consciousness.

"Wake up!" Lisa cried out, tears blinding her vision. "Do not... do not...." she whimpered, pulling back and studying the crimson substance on her hands. The Thai girl was suddenly hit with the reality of the situation and she reeled backwards, stumbling back up to her feet and scanning the room.

Something besides glass crinkled under her feet and she quickly stepped aside, gasping when she saw the flowers scattered on the floor. She quickly picked them up and held them tightly against her chest.

That's when she felt the petals crumble under her fists. Lisa whimpered, uncurling her fingers and watching as a few of the delicate petals fell to the floor. She had killed them.

With her shaky hands, Lisa gently bent down and placed the remains of the flowers on top of the body. Once she stood back up, the Thai girl was suddenly reminded of the throbbing pain in her feet. She had to get out.

Lisa limped over to the door, quickly discovering that it hurt less if she walked on her tiptoes. He shoes lay next to the door, and she remembered the rule. She always had to wear shoes outside. Otherwise, she would get hurt for tracking mud into the house.

Lisa struggled to tug her shoes onto her feet, squeezing her eyes shut as she felt the glass did even deeper into her soles. Her only concern was getting out. She wasn't sure where. But her urge to run was stronger than her urge to stay where she was.

The moment Lisa came to, she immediately looked down at her hands. Tears clouded her eyes and she didn't even realize she wasn't alone.

She needed to run. She felt the exact same urge as she had felt before.

Chaeyoung immediately reached forwards to grab Lisa when she saw the Thai girl turn towards the door. Her fingers met empty air, though, and she quickly stumbled forwards before running after Lisa, who had already disappeared out of the front of the house.

The minute Chaeyoung burst through the door, she felt her heart drop in her chest.

"Lisa!" she screamed, her eyes focused on the carcoming down the street - heading straight towards her girlfriend. The next few seconds passed in a blur as Chaeyoung sprinted towards the road, hearing the screech of tires.

Chaeyoung grabbed onto Lisa before the younger girl could run once more, pulling her out of the street and keeping a tight grip on her wrist. Before either of the girls could address each other, the driver's side of the car burst open.


Chaeyoung's eyes widened and she held onto Lisa, her heart beating against her chest. The woman in the car took a step forwards, studying the girls.

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