Chapter 50 - Epilogue (Pt. 2)

Start from the beginning

When we approach the station, I hug Indigo goodbye. "Thank you for everything you've done," I say. "It does not go unnoticed."

Indigo swoons a bit. "Of course, my dear! Anything for my Victor," she chuckles. "You know, I was asked to be promoted to another District next year and you know what I told them? Any other District would be a demotion, truly."

I smile. Indigo is a twisted person, but deep down, I can't find it in me to hate her. "That's flattering, thank you Indigo. Have a safe trip."

"See you next year, my love!"

And then she's gone with the train.

As the train passes by me, I sit by myself for a moment. This is the first time I've been by myself all day, and I sit in silence for a moment. I can't believe I'm finally back home. I remember six months ago when I thought I might never see my family again.

The sun is beginning to set, so I decide to walk by myself to my house. As I turn, I spot a middle-aged man and woman, their hair graying, walking towards me.

It takes me a moment to recognize them, but my heart drops when I do. It's Mr. and Mrs. Greenly, Lacie's parents. I haven't seen them since before the Reaping - they've mostly kept to themselves within their home. I figured they needed space to themselves.

"Hello Soren," Mrs. Greenly greets me.

"It's a pleasure to see you both," I say genuinely. "How has everything been going since the Games? I'm so sorry I haven't checked in, it didn't seem appropriate."

"Thank you, we needed time to ourselves. Although, we always wanted to reach out," she responds.

Mr. Greenly speaks up for the first time. He speaks curtly. "We all know Lacie could have won the Games. But, that's something you know we all have to leave in the past. It was her decision and we have to live with that decision."

"She was so bright," I say. "I will never forget her."

"Neither will we," Mrs. Greenly says. "We wanted to give you a few things of hers that you might want. We have no need for them now."

The pair hands me a paper bag. I peek inside to see multiple objects - a picture of Lacie, looking curiously at the camera, along with a clock, some sort of art made of wire, and a few other trinkets.

I don't know what to say. I'm starting to get emotional. "Thank you," I say. "I'm speechless."

"Now that Lacie's gone, you're all we have left, Soren. She gave up her life for you; I hope you'll be willing to see us as parents outside of your own home. If you ever need anything, we are always around."

"Thank you for your kindness," I say, choking up. I wipe a tear from my face. I miss Lacie so much more than I ever thought I would during the Games. Her parents don't deserve this.

After I bid farewell to the Greenlys, I wander through the quiet streets of District 4. I pass under the ornate gate of the Victors' Village, stopping outside the fancy house nearest to the entrance. Multiple massive bushes of flowers grow below the porch. I examine them closely.

"Beautiful, aren't they?" A voice says from the porch. I look up quickly to see Griff, sitting at the armchair. He must have been watching the sunset - we have an amazing view of the water from the village.

"Amazing," I breathe. "You know, I never knew where these came from until I moved here. Even when Roman moved in, I never made the connection..."

"Most people don't," Griff states plainly. "Nobody ever wanders down here from town and my Games were so long ago nobody cares to remember what happened anymore."

"You know, Lacie's parents just talked to me and gave me some of her old things," I tell him, pulling out the bag they gave me.

"That was very kind of them," Griff says, his eyes watching the sun as it sets on the horizon. "I'm glad you get closure on that front. Thank you for taking care of her in the Arena."

"Well, Griff, we both know she was the one taking care of me all that time," I say with a small smile.

"I suppose both are true," Griff responds.

"I have to head home," I say, my fingers on the stem of a flower. It's a purple bellflower, just like the one from the Arena. "May I?"

"Of course," Griff says with a smile. "They are free for anyone to take at any time. Take as many as you need."

I pick one carefully before heading a few houses down to my own house. I knock on the door, knowing someone is already here.

The door opens quickly to reveal Marina. "Took you long enough!" she cries.

"I had multiple stops on the way back from the feast," I explain.

"Well, it's all finished," Marina says, excited. "I had Roman hang it up in the living room."

I follow Marina through the house, feeling slightly light-headed. My breath is stolen when I see the painting on the wall above the fireplace. Within the portrait, Marina's painted pictures of all 35 of the other tributes from the Games. I glance across the beautiful piece, spotting Tanner, Victoria, Nia, Robin... Even ones from the start of the Games like Leon and Marnie. I see Wade, and my heart drops. Marina told me his mother had a stroke sometime during the Games and may never recover. I wonder how Taylor is doing.

I stop when I spot Lacie. She looks down at me from the picture, looking almost alive. I turn to Marina. "It's beautiful," I manage to say.

We embrace silently. "Thank you," I tell her.


Marina heads out soon after - she has work to do back home. The house is now dark and empty, with just me, but I don't mind. I sit in the living room by the fire, staring up at the portrait. It looks even more stunning lit up by the flickering light of the fire. I simply sit, staring at the pictures. Before I know it, tears are spilling down my face. My heart aches for the 35 souls lost, never to be heard from again.

I hope I've done them justice. I wish I didn't have to go through this. Sometimes, I think Lacie was punishing me when she sacrificed herself. Is surviving the Games the reward, or is it the ultimate punishment?


THAT'S A WRAP! I can't believe it. 50 long chapters and here we are.

How do we feel about everything we learned this chapter? I think it's so satisfying to tie up everything in a little bow this chapter. We now know that the tribute from the 76th Games who passes out the bellflowers is Griff, and we also know the fates of Lacie and Wade's families.


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