Comfortable Awkwardness

Start from the beginning

Over the course of the past week, uprooted feelings were all that Luz had been dealing with, as she tried to figure out what her feelings were towards Amity. It had been practically the only thing that had been on her mind, and every other train of thought always returned to it. Amity's forced confession had forced the Human to reconsider practically everything that she had thought that she knew about their relationship, and she'd been doing that constantly.

Without really thinking about it, Luz glanced towards Amity from the corner of her eye as the two of them walked down the path together. Her eyes met with Amity's - She was also stealing a glance at the Human. They both paused for a second, and then looked away from one another, their faces feeling warmer than before.

Instances like this were where the awkwardness had come from. Lots of small things, like the way that Luz noticed Amity looked at her now, or the way she would act, or the things that she would say. Things like that which just a couple of weeks ago, Luz wouldn't have thought anything of. Now she understood them perfectly.

And yet Luz still never felt uncomfortable. Slightly embarrassed, sure, but never uncomfortable.

In fact, even that little interaction normally wouldn't have made Luz's face heat up just a few hours ago. It was the question that had risen in her mind while she spoke with Willow that made her react the way she had.

The question of if she was in love with Amity.

Both of them walked in silence for a couple of minutes, a bit too awkward to say anything to the other. They passed by a couple of Witches who were headed up to Hexside, for whatever reason. Once they were past, Luz found her voice, slightly quieter than normal. "Hey, er... Good job, with the Grudgby stuff. I know I said that already, but it was cool to see you playing again."

"O - Oh." Amity's cheeks went a bit redder, and Luz could see her ear twitch lightly at the compliment, though she didn't look towards the Human. "Thank you... And... Thanks for encouraging me to play, too. I... I had fun."

Luz smiled, happy that when Amity mentioned Boscha's offer earlier in the week, she had encouraged the Witch to go for it. It had been a change of pace that it was clear Amity had needed, if only to give her something else to focus on for a while. She was glad her friend had had fun.

"I'm glad." She said aloud, accompanied with a nod. Another pause followed, and then, another question did. "How are Emira and Edric doing?"

"Emira is fine." Amity answered more or less immediately. "So is Viney. She didn't say anything that hadn't already been said." A pause. "Apparently."

"Did you have any idea?"

"I didn't even know who Viney was until a week ago, nevermind that you knew her."

"I didn't even know they knew each other. Small Isles, I guess" Luz shrugged. The fact that Emira was with Viney throughout the entirety of Valeween at least explained why she hadn't been in Blight Manor at the time of the attack. And the revelation of their relationship had been... A surprise, to say the least. Still, Luz chose to stay on topic. "What about Edric?"

Amity paused slightly before she answered this time. "He's... Okay, I guess." Her face scrunched up, like she was trying to find the right words for what she wanted to say. She was less sure about her brother. "He's... I think he's taking a couple of the comments he got a bit hard, but aside from that I think he's okay."

Again, Luz nodded. Being in a group was safer, but it came with risks when it came to the Cherubim. Apparently Edric had been with a group of friends, and a few of them had gotten hit by their beams, and revealed that there were issues they had with Edric - What those were, Amity hadn't said, and Luz didn't think it was a good idea to ask. It wasn't her business anyway. But she understood how it most likely bothered the older Blight.

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