6》False View

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He sit back down as his jaw sharp with grin his teeth. Mina keep praying that what Wonwoo do right now can end it all fast. He continue back as judger sign him and she see Bryan face hold the mad.

"How can you sure im gonna raped her when its already tiring night? You cant jump into conclusion when you dont have proof that the situation happend."

"Exactly that what im waiting for! We had a proof and believe me this is all the most obvious that point you try to raped Miss Mina at near Ilsan hotel at 2.37 am!"

Wonwoo show the pendrive to everyone in courtroom. Some of them gasp and some of them whispering. Judher rap the hammer as sign to all silent. Wonwoo give the pendrive to one staff there to play it.

The video show Bryan was carried Mina in bridal style with fake worried face. He was talking to staff counter there check in the room. She not hestitate and give the keyroom. He quickly walk and go to the room he ordered.

When they arrived, Bryan looking around him nervous that he will get caught. When the door opened, he get in even not closed it yet. But in just 5 minutes, Mina was showed she was running out from the room.

Bryan like hold his stomach and groan as he cant run to chase her. Mina also was showed she was running with almost messy hair from infront hotel. The clip making Bryan eyes shaky as he wonder how to explain those thing.

"So Mr. Bryan, can you explain this?"

"I...she was thirsty and i did give her the drink but then she faint. So i quickly  stopped near hotel as i worried her family at home will think wrong at me!"

"Dont try to to twist story and pull my family in!"

"Miss Mina, calm down and let the lawyer and culprit talk."

She sigh and her eyes really showing she was mad and cant even accept how could Bryan try to avoid his mistakes

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She sigh and her eyes really showing she was mad and cant even accept how could Bryan try to avoid his mistakes. Wonwoo take his second before he continue to end the cases as he had another few question.

"Back to the main, you and Miss Mina has be known for 3 years and im sure her family know you too as her manager. How can they will think wrong to you?"

"The long we know not gonna show how they will believe me! And im sure Mina not even tell her parents about me as i just met them a few times."

"But Mina already show me the text after the day happend. It was a day after that and she already told your agency to quit you from being her manager."

"I just ask her why she do that! And i was wanna know the reason sh3 avoiding my call and block me from chat!"

"Its a choice to her for doing it. The text she show me was a threathen you give her to met you and even try to harm her as being her stalker and send some blackmail her place."


"Mr. Im this is second warning. If last you get the cases will depending!"

He sit back as he get warn and Mina ruffle her shirt. She closed her eyes and keep holding herself from let the tears falling. She wont let others see her weakness and it was her swear.

11♡Our Side (WonMina X MinTzu)✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora