Chapter 49 - Healing

Start from the beginning

"Thanks Sammy." I laugh.
I stay behind as Steve talks to the three men. Before he goes onto the platform he walks back to me and hugs me. "Be careful." I smile as he rubs my back.

"You just worry about getting better...I'll be back." He smiles and kisses my cheek. "Thank you Y/N....for everything."

"Thank you Steve...your an amazing man." I smile as he walks up to the platform.

"How long is this gonna take?" Sam asks.

"For him? As long as he needs. For us? Five seconds." Bruce nods, Steve picks up Mjolnir. "Ready Cap? Alright. We'll meet you back here, okay?"

"You bet." Steve nods.

"Going quantum. Three, two, one–" I grow nervous as he disappears. "And returning in, five, four, three, two, one–"

I look up at a Bucky as he doesn't come back, "Where is he?" Sam asks.

"I don't know. He blew right by his time stamp. He should be here." Bruce says worriedly.

Bucky turns around, "Well, get him back." Sam raises his voice.

"I'm trying."

"Get him the hell back!" Sam yells.

"Hey, I said, I'm trying!" Bruce yells back.

"Sam..." Bucky interrupts. We all turn around to see a man on a bench. As Bucky and Sam start walking, I stop them.

"Um guys..." They turn around. "Can one of you carry me....I'm feeling really weak." I whisper.

"Of course." Bucky smiles and cradles me as he walks.

"Sorry." I close my eyes.

"Don't be." Bucky puts me down and holds onto me as we watch Steve sitting ahead of us. "Go ahead..." Bucky nods at Sam.

I wait for the two men to finish talking with Steve, once Bucky was done he helps me over to the bench. Once he leaves I look Steve in the eyes. He was much much older now.

"You got your happy ending didn't you?" I smile.

"Yes...I did." He smiles.

I grab his hand and rub my thumb across his ring. "How was it?"

" was beautiful."

"Do you have any pictures of her?" I smile. Steve reaches into his jacket and pulls out a photo, I smile as he hands it over to me. It was a picture of Steve, Peggy and their two children. "She's gorgeous Steve...and so are your kids." I hold onto his hand.

"Thank you." He nods. "It was an amazing life."

"I'm so happy for you."

"Y/N....I want you to go in and live your life. You and Tony deserve a happy life." Steve turns and smiles.

I couldn't help but let my tears fall, "I'm gonna miss you." I nod.

Steve pulls me over and hugs me, "I'm gonna miss you too."

"I'll make sure Bucky is okay....I'll take care of him, I promise." I cry.

"Thank you Y/N....for everything. Now go rest." He pats my head as I pull away.

"I love you Steve." I smile as I get up, I reach my hand out to give him the onto but he pushes it back to me.

"Keep it......I love you too Y/N." He says as he looks at the water. Bucky rushes over to my side and picks me up.

"I'll take you home." He nods.

"You can stay with us for as long as you want....I can talk to Tony."

"No, I think I would make him uncomfortable." Bucky smiles.

"I'll talk to him....I don't want you to disappear."

"I won't...I promise." He smiles down at me.

When we make it back to the house, I make sure to hug the two, I wait and watch them leave.

Morgan instantly hugs me when I go inside. "Hi mommy." She smiles.

"Hi baby." I lean down and kiss her head.

"Morgan, why don't you sit down and eat, I'm gonna go help mommy in the bath." Tony smiles and lifts her up. I slowly make my way over to the stairs as Tony sits Morgan next to Rhodey and Happy. "I have a warm bath running for you." Tony smiles as he picks me up and carries me upstairs.

"I could of walked." I laugh. Tony chuckles and lightly kicks open the bathroom door. He sets me down and turns to get a towel for me. I take off my shirt and stare at myself in shock. I had a long scar from my shoulder down to my hand. "I didn't even notice the scar on my hand." I whisper. There were several other scars around the larger one.

"Affect from the stones." Tony whispers. He softly kisses my shoulder and helps me out of my pants. "You look even more beautiful." He smiles

"Thank you Tony...for everything." I smile. Tony holds onto my left hand and into my right hip as I step into the large bath. I sigh as the warm water surrounds me.

Tony sits on the edge and starts to wash my hair, "I love you." I smile.

"I love you most."


Surprise! I didn't want this to be a sad ending to the book so Tony Lives!

But can you still use your powers?

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