Chapter 22: Liza's Gown Shop

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"Well that was eventful." Jonah said when Riley and I stepped outside. I glared at him and he got down on both knees. "I am truly sorry." he said. We came to a cross road and started asking for directions. Most of the people rolled their eyes at me. One of them even mumbled, "Use your eyes." as he walked away. I looked to the left and saw a bread store, cake shop, and a store selling voodoo dolls. I shivered and turned to look to my right. Finally, there was a very small building with wedding gowns in the display window. Riley and Jonah started to come with me but I held my hand out. "Stay you two." They nodded and I entered the shop.

As soon as I walked in Liza herself came to me. I was barely aware of her hand on my arm. I was looking at an intricately designed wedding dress in the corner. I pointed at the dress and asked, "That was your mothers' wasn't it?" She looked and slowly nodded her head. "I was wondering when you were coming. Come to my office and we can chat." she said.

I sat down across from her and she said, "Ashley. I know why you've come. I will answer your questions the best I can."

"Thank you Liza. That is much appreciated. This is only my curiosity thinking but, Did you mother have any special spell she used when destroying wands?"

"She did. Have you seen Margeret's Spells?"


"The spell I've seen her used most was the Kierlmeg. Do you know that one?"

"I do. Did she ever bring her work home?"

"Oh yes. Sometimes Jake and I got to help her."

"I'm not trying to sound like a jerk but do you even remember Darin or Lydia?"

"Of course I do."

"Have you tried making contact with Darin?"

"I've tried. He just ignores my calls. I talk to Lydia too."

"She's dead?"

"I am not only a gown maker. I am a witch and one of my powers is to speak to the dead."

"Can you make smoke?"

"I could, but I don't want to be in the area where you are to fight Jake."

"OK. Thank you."

"Of course. May I ask you something?"


"Is it true that Darin had a son?"

"Yes. He is my bodyguard. Would you like to meet him?" I offered. Liza stared out the window and suddenly nodded. I smiled and she followed me outside.

"Riley. This is your Aunt Liza." I said, showing Riley to Liza. She smiled at Riley and he smiled back. "You look just like your Mom." Liza said.

"You know my Mom?"

"I made her outfit." Liza said. Riley nodded and looked at me. "We should be going to Your Highness." I nodded and watched as Liza went back into her shop.

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