Chapter 15: With James

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I woke up to Zuko licking my face and breathing like a tractor, loud. I pushed him off and turned over to see his face back in front of mine. He looked at me and I saw absolute happiness in his eyes, along with something between his collar and his fur. There was a roll of paper with a ring holding it so it wouldn't unfold. I took it from his collar and read what it said,


Meet me in the stables in half an hour. Hopefully that'll give you enough time to eat and get dressed. The stables are located by the flowers we had planted yesterday but 10 paces forward more. Once you see the Spring Shed I would like you to close your eyes for 10 seconds and wait to hear the song of a chick-a-dee. When you've heard the song, open your eyes.

Love, James Micheal Allgood

I looked up from the note and smiled. How sweet of him. I thought. I sat up in bed and patted Zuko on the head. Then I got up and got ready for my day.

I grabbed James' note and put it in my back pocket. Then I grabbed the ring and put it on my ring finger. As I walked out the door I heard a woman's voice coming from my necklace. I looked at Riley and he shrugged. I listened more closely and heard what she was name. As soon as I fingered my necklace my vision went dark and I was soon back in the castle in Winterland.

Mother was talking to the broad shouldered man that was in the warehouse with Lyndia. They were talking about me.

"She will come. I promise you that Liare." Mother says to this man named Liare.

"You can promise me that but I'm sure Lyndia will try to get through her head again. I'm surprised Ashley was able to block out the sound waves." Liare said.

"Yes, she is one powerful Mist isn't she?"

"She is. His Majesty taught her well."

"He taught her but she doesn't even remember the lessons."

"That is true. That is why Jonah was assigned her protector. He knows."

"Your nephew Jonah?"

"Yes. Although he won't know what he is until April."

"That is true. Will you share it with me?"

"Jonah is a shapeshifter. The gene passed down from his grandfather."

"Hmm, would you send your top nature friend to guide them here safely?"

"As you wish Your Majesty." Liare said and he left the room.

I walked closer to Mother and put my hand on her shoulder, "I'm coming Mother. Jake won't catch me." As soon as I said that Mother turned around and whispered my name into the same but different necklace that I was wearing. Ashley,Ashley,Ashley

The light in my face brought me back to the present. Riley looked at me and asked, "You OK?" I nodded and pointed at my head. He nodded and pointed at the Spring Shed. I closed my eyes for 10 seconds and waited for the song of a chick-a-dee. I smiled when I heard one and I opened my eyes. In front of me was a large stable with green trim. I almost walked through the doors when James came through the doors holding two reins.

James tied the reins to poles and walked over to me. Then he nodded to Riley and Riley tapped me on the shoulder, "Your Highness?" I looked at Riley and smiled, "You may go about your personal business. I am safe with Prince James." I said. Riley bowed and left us. James smiled at me and said, "You're pretty good at being a princess if I do say so myself." I laughed and pointed at the horses. "Are we going to go soon?" He nodded but asked, "Are you OK? You look a little tired."

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