Chapter 13: The Streets

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I ran down the middle of the flower section in the large Greenhouse. I don't know how exactly we got to Springland so quick but we are here. I guess if you're a royal you can "bend" the earth to reveal home. It was pretty neat. Well of what I remember anyways. I wasn't paying any attention until suddenly I ran into James. We fell onto the ground and I started to laugh. What a clutz! I told myself. James held his hand out to help me up. I smiled as he kept my hand in his for a moment longer. "Thanks." I said, taking my hand away.

"Your welcome. I see you enjoy greenhouses and flowers." James pointed out.

"Yeah. It's been awhile. I haven't seen a single flower since I left Denver. Well, unless you count dandelions as a flower?" I laughed nervously.

"Technically those are weeds. Wanna see more flowers?"

"There's more?" I asked, amazed.

"Of course. Springland remember?"

"Oh yeah. Spring flowers."

"Yeah. Let's go." James said as he grabbed my hand again and led me out the greenhouse.

We walked into the woods and suddenly we stopped. James had let go of my hand and stepped in front of me. He held his hand out and a simple red rose grew in his hand. He shook off his hand and handed me the flower. I put the flower to my nose and took a whiff. It smelt like any other real flower. I looked at James and noticed the space where he was standing was full of flowers. Roses, Lilies, foxglove, and many more. I shook my head and grabbed his hands, making him stop spreading flowers.

"They're beautiful." I said, still holding his hands in place. James squeezed my hands and said, "Just like you." I took my hands away and stared at him, a little frustrated. "What?" I asked.

"You're beautiful too."

"Thank you James."

"You're welcome Princess."

"It's just Ashley. Or Ash. Unless-"

"We are around other royals and companies. I know the deal."

"Do you think I'll make a good princess?" I asked, starting to walk towards the castle. James grabbed my arm and said, "I am sure you will be a great princess. How about we go to the park and feed the birds some bread?" I looked at his arm and burned it. "Ow." he said.

"You really need to stop grabbing me." I said. He nodded and healed himself. I looked at him and thought, I really like him. I smiled and said, "Let's go feed some birds." James smiled back at me and walked next to me.

James and I sat on the bench tossing bread crumbs at birds.While we did so, we asked questions. Suddenly James asked me a question I wasn't expecting.

"Are you really the princess of Winterland?"

"What's giving you the vibe I'm not?"

"The way you carry yourself. Most princesses tthat I've met and turned down carry themselves with grace and power. You carry yourself with fear and power."

"Fear? I'm not scared of Jake if that's what you're saying."

"No. I'm not scared of him either. I said fear because when you walked by that young lad over there he backed away." James said. I looked at the boy across the park and he lowered his head. I looked at James and he just shrugged. I shook my head and said, "Do you think that's a good thing?"

"Well, if you want to be the future scary Queen sure."

"Do I have to be Queen one day?"

"I don't know how your land works but here in Springland the prince has to be married to take the throne. Or if there's more than one prince the oldest takes the throne, married or not. It also depends on whether or not Dad dies and Mom doesn't want the throne."

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