9. Misery Business

Start from the beginning

"No I should've told you what I was doing; I was cleaning out the closet of just things that were hers. Because she told me she wanted them back. But I told her not to bother coming back for them because I was throwing them out." I look at him and couldn't help but grin.

"Well now that we cleared the air, why don't we just forget this and go home, I want some spaghetti." I say giggling.

"Yes my lady lets." He gets up and lends out a hand for me.

When we got home we finished making dinner and washed the dishes, then decided to go up stairs and watch TV for the remainder of the night.

"I'm gonna take a quick shower first." Jaime says coming to the room with a towel and shutting the door to the restroom behind him.

I turned on the TV and flipped through the channels to find something good when I heard Jaime's phone go off with a text notification.

I contemplated it for a minute then decided against my better judgment reaching over to his phone and opening it up, just a text from Vic.

I unlock it and decide I want to take cute selfies on it to surprise him, when a rush of curiousness came over me. I go to his text message screen and look through it for a certain conversation and grin when I got to it.

Jess: What's so great about her anyways?

Jaime: Do you want me to pull out the list? There's a lot that's great about her.

Jess: You just ended a high school relationship for some girl that just appeared out of nowhere? It makes no sense, what do you even know about this girl...

Jaime: I know that she makes me happy and cares about me for me, I don't have to pretend to be someone I'm not around her just to make her smile. And that's enough for me to fall completely in love with her.

Jess: In love?? You're crazy, whatever Jaime fuck you, and that home wrecker that you let come between us. You'll come back, trust me they all do.

Jaime: Ok

Jess: Can I at least get my things back that I left there?

Jaime: Don't bother; I'm throwing it out, just like I did with our relationship.

Jess: Whatever bye.

I felt the heat in my cheeks appear at the things he said about me then at the same time thought of a brilliant idea.

I tapped the message button and typed something down quickly.

Jaime: On second thought, come by tomorrow around 1 and pick up your shit.

Almost immediately I received a text back.

Jess: I'll be there.

I heard the shower turn off and quickly deleted the messages and placed his phone back on the night stand just in time to not get caught by Jaime who came out seconds later.

"That shower felt good." He says going to the dresser and pulling out a pair of boxers, I smile and nod my head.

"What?" He says with a smile and one eyebrow lifted.

"Nothing, just, I bet it was." I agree.

He put on his boxers and came to the bed and laid on top of me, shaking his wet hair like a dog, getting me wet.

"Jaime!" I say grabbing his head.

"Was that necessary?" I say wiping my face with my hand.

"Very." He says with a smirk.

Then There's Faith In Love (Jaime Preciado Fanfic) *Book One*Where stories live. Discover now