Chapter Five: Reece Collins

Start from the beginning

            I sit down in one the front rows and class begins. After class, the rest of my classes and lunch go normal, just hanging with the team and girls hitting on me. Finally, at the second to last class change of the day I stand at my locker with some of my teammates while Jace is at the other side the school. I hear something behind me and I spin around facing Erwin. Then, my eyes slowly falls onto the gleaming pistol pointing my way. My heart beat quickens and sweat begins to form on my forehead.

            “Erwin, put the gun down. You don’t want do this. Please just put it down before you hurt someone or do something you regret. Please,” I plead with him. Not worried about my own like, only those around me. I could care less if I died right now, because I have lived and have change lives. Others aren’t that lucky so at least spare them.

            His hand shakes the gun and I continue to plead, then I watch his finger inch the trigger back and then a bang fills the air.


            “Reece, no give me back my doll!” Juliet says as she races across the backyard after me.

            “Never!” I scream like a warrior and head for my tree house jumping one handedly onto my rope latter. I reach the top pulling the latter with me and look down at my six year old little sister Juliet, her blonde hair is in a braid down her back and she is wearing a white dress. Her thin arms are folded over her chest. Being the eight year old boy that I am, I stick my tongue out at her.

            “Reece! Give it back or I will make you!” she says angrily.

            “You are crazy kid,” I laugh and shake my head.

            “Really? Come down here and we will see whose crazy!” she says with a pouty face.

            Rolling my eyes I drop the latter and climb down standing in front of Juliet. She takes an angry step forward and glares at me. “Conner!!” she screams at the top of her lungs and an 11 year old Conner races out of the house to Juliet.

            “What?” he asks in a panic. His eyes search her to find any injuries.

            “Beat Reece up for me! He took my Barbie!” she says to him giving him her puppy dog eyes.

            Crap, no one can say no to those. So being clever, I take off running to a mud puddle and hold Barbie by her hair over it.

            Juliet grabs Conner’s arm and drags him with her. “Reece! Put her down now! Or I will sick Conner on you,” she says glaring at me.

            “Put her down? Alright,” I say with a shrug and an evil smirk pulls onto my lips as I slowly release her hair sending her tumbling into the mud.

            “Conner, attack!” Juliet shrieks as she runs to save her Barbie rolling in the mud and becoming covered in the wet earth.

            Next thing I know Conner has me in the mud and we are wrestling. Mom finds use all covered in mud and we are all grounded.


            “Alright Reece this is all on you! Do not let them hit the ball,” Coach says and I nod adjusting my team ball cap and taking the pitcher’s mound. My eyes connect with Jace’s, the catcher, and I watch his fingers and finally nod. I pull back and raise my knee in the air and pitch. It sails pass the pitcher and Jace catches it and throws it back to me. Catching it I get ready and throw another.

            Finally, I’m one the last batter of the game and it all rides on this pitch. Sweat falls down my face as I bring my knee up and launching it. Strike. I smile and catch the ball preparing another pitch. I let it rip. Strike. My heart beat speeds up and I am so nervous. Preparing the last pitch I release it and watch as it zooms by the batter. “Strike, you’re out!”

            Yes! Yes! Fuck yeah! I holler and Jace and I run to each other hugging. We just won states!


            I bend down at the starting line making my butt go up little higher. The gun sounds and I take off running. Sweat falls down my face as I take the lead and run. My legs pick up speed and move faster and faster. I feel free as the wind hits my face and I push myself harder as I run the track. I see someone beside me and smile as I push my legs harder and take off faster. Finally, I see the finish line ahead and increase my speed more. It gets closer and closer and then I feel my waist break through it!

            The crowd roars as I drop to my knee panting and having a hard time breathing. “This year’s State Track Champion is Reece Collins!”  An announcer says and I smile while they hand me a Gatorade.  The crowd cheers.

            This is unbelievable.

            Seeing my State football winning play flashes through my head next but, then I hear a voice. It sounds like heaven.

            “Well I know you definitely do not know who I am but that’s okay. I’m Payton Jennings. Who’s that? Well, we have AP English together and a few others. Still no clue? Didn’t figure,” this mysterious voice comes from.

            “Maybe if I describe myself it may help. Well… I have frizzy, brown, curly hair. Ugly, plain muddy brown eyes, pasty, pale, white skin. Chubby cheeks, I have no friends because I am shy and a loner. I dress plain and cheap because I cannot afford a lot basically just food. I hide in the library at lunch time. I’m not bullied because like I’ve said no one knows I’m alive. I’m smart; get good grades and voluntary at the hospital since I already spend all my time outside school here. Yep that’s me, no clue who I am. I figured,” the voice continues but is still fuzzy yet I cannot help but smile at its cuteness. Suddenly my head begins to hurt bad, really bad actually! I cry out in pain and move around. The pain is unbearable.

            Suddenly it begins to fade. Everything begins to fade and I return to my dreams or well memories. That was weird. What the hell was that about?

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