Wali passed her a few printouts. There were articles with photos of Wali and Badiya published on different online platforms. Some of the articles were curious about who the mystery girl is in Wali Shah's arms as Badiya's face was not visible in most of the pictures. Some articles were suggestive about Wali and Badiya being in a relationship and so on. Those pictures might not be odd for her or Wali as they had been together since diapers but for the public and media it must be a 'haww' thing seeing her hanging from Wali's arms.

"This...." She didn't know what to say about the matter. Thankfully the media didn't know who she was or it would have been a much bigger deal.

"I had the articles removed and the pictures deleted but I don't know what to do about the running mouths of the people who'll be attending tomorrow." Shehryar said looking at his father with an expressionless face.

"I was actually thinking af announcing the engagement the same day when Shery will be made the Shah of our village but I guess we should do it tomorro-" Kaleem Shah was saying when Badiya intruppted him.

"No! I mean uh-I think it'll be too much if we announce the engagement tomorrow. Umm...Bi Jee! Bi Jee ko kitna bura laggay ga agr unko baad mai pata chala." (Bi Jee would feel offended if she comes to know after everybody else.) Badiya didn't want their engagement to go public. She was really hurt over what Shehryar said and if he really considers her a child and didn't want to marry her then why would she want to hurl herself on him?

"Baat tou theek keh rahi hai Diya." (Diya is right.) Her Baba said. Bi jee was the sister of Kaleem Shah's father. She was a very strict women yet loving who was widowed at a very young age and spent all her life in the haveli handling all the village affairs side by side her brother. Badiya had met her a few times only and she was scared shitless of her. She was a very traditional women with old beliefs. Badiya had to walk on eggshells around her like everyone else except Shehryar as he was her favourite grandson and she always showered him with love.

Badiya felt a heated glare on her and looked up to see Shehryar burning holes in her skull. She raised an eyebrow at him and his glare only intensified.

"I think removing the shi-stuff...removing the stuff from internet was enough. We all are going to village in two weeks. We can prepone it to like a week and once the engagement is announced everyone will shut up. As for tomorrow, Bhai and Diya can act all lovey dovey and the spotlight will be shifted to them which will be good for the company publicity as well. Simple." Wali said shrugging and taking the printouts back from Badiya.

"I look handsome though." He sheepishly smiled at everyone.

"For the first time, I believe Wali is right. Not about the handsome comment but the situation." Kaleem Shah said everyone chuckled- everyone except Shehryar- and the atmosphere became a little less tense.

"I'll make arrangements for the end of next week and till then the ladies can complete their preparations." He continued and everyone agreed. The conversation diverted to topics related to the travel and engagement ceremony.


"Hayye! Chhoti bachi hi keh diya."

(What! He called you a kid.)

Wali and Diya were sitting in the lounge on the floor to have their movie marathon as everyone else had gone to their rooms. After alot of pestering, Badiya told Wali about why she didn't want the engagement to be announced tomorrow and why she was in a bad mood.

Wali exclaimed after listening to the whole story and Badiya nodded with teary eyes and a pout on her lips.

"Han. Ab tum hi btao mai bachi hun kya? You are a guy yourself. Am I not appealing?" (Yes. Now you tell me, do I look like a child?) She said standing up and giving him a twirl.

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