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Geethanjali steps into building of Sunshine Resorts Office, she goes to the receptionist "I'm Geethanjali Iyer...I'm an interior designer...I was called here to show my designs" Receptionist "Yes ma'am...please go to the 7th floor...Sir is waiting for you there" Geethanjali "Thank you". She goes to the 7th floor as told to her and finds the elevator opens directly into a large room, she enters in and finds a woman sitting in front of another cabin connecting to this one, she goes to the woman "Hello Ma'am I'm Geethanjali to meet Mr.Chowdary", the woman smiles at her "Hello Ma'am I'm Anushka...Ajay Sir's P.A...please come Sir is waiting for you". Anushka takes her to the cabin attached to the large room and finds a man standing facing the window.

Anushka calls him "Sir....Geethanjali Ma'am is here", he turns towards them "You can leave Anushka", he looks at Geethanjali and signals her to sit down "Welcome to Sunshine Group Ms.Iyer...You were called because your interior designs for the Mahabalipuram resort were the good among all that we had received...Only yours had a feel of the heritage site that Mahabalipuram is...but I think you can still bring out better ones Ms.Iyer...I want the best designs you can give me" Geethanjali nods "Sure Sir" Ajay forwards the contract papers "Here are the contract can take your time, read and sign it".

Geethanjali starts reading the contract while he starts doing his work, she stops when she reads a point, she looks at him "Sir it's written that my that the timing is from 9 a.m - 6 p.m but I had clearly mentioned in my mail that I can work only after 12 p.m as I work in a school" Ajay looks up from his laptop "Ms.Iyer if you are to work here then you cannot work in the school...As per the company policies you cannot do two jobs at a time and I think it reduces the efficiency of people" Geethanjali was perplexed, but then she gets up from her seat "I'm sorry Sir I cannot sign this contract neither can I work for you" Ajay looks at her surprised "Ms.Iyer why can't you...your an interior designer why do you even work in a school" Geethanjali glares at him "That's my wish Mr.Chowdary what I choose to do or not...I can't leave the work I love doing just for a six months can keep your company policies and thoughts while I keep my designs...Sorry for wasting your time" Ajay scowls at her "You know what you can leave Ms.Iyer...I will get better interior designers than you" Geethanjali "Sure Mr.Chowdary...Good luck and Goodbye", She leaves from his cabin.

Anushka sees Geethanjali leaving his cabin, as soon as she leaves Ajay calls Anushka in his cabin. She sees that Ajay is angry, he starts yelling "How dare she talk to me like that...I mean come on what does she even do in a school...Anyway I don't care I need a better designer than her Anushka...come on get to work...send a mail to all our designers stating them to make their best designs and send them...I will make sure to find someone better than her...(he looks at Anushka)...what are you doing here still go get to work" Anushka nods "Okay Sir". She goes out from his cabin to her place, she gets a call from someone "What happened", Anushka sighs "Aunty why is your son so irritating and short tempered" Ajay's Mom "What happened Anushka tell me" Anushka "She left Aunty....she didn't sign the contract" Ajay's Mom "Why Anu...what happened" Anushka "I think because she works in a school...but I don't think anybody can match her don't worry aunty I will make sure to bring her back" Ajay's Mom "Thank you Anu...thank you so much"

Do let me know how is the storyline guys❤️....Again it's going to be Pearbhi💖

Will start this post completing 'United by Destiny'

Happy Reading💙

Yours lovingly

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