If Love Didn't Exist

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My name is Anastasia Loveless and I feel like there's love in between a hate relationship. This is me but they call me Ana for short.

My crush's name is Noah  but all of his boys call him Hennessy

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My crush's name is Noah  but all of his boys call him Hennessy. We're in college but we've always been in the same school I feel like it's fate but that ain't the word for this. I know him from kindergarten and he's in literally like in all my classes except for Italian language and P.E. The first time I knew I liked him was in high school I wasn't a fan of dating but I always knew he sparked something in me nobody could. I never dated anybody because dating wasn't even the last thing on my mind it wasn't even on my mind. I realized that I had to shoot my shot at some point of time when we grouped together in chemistry for this project I knew this could've been my chance but I knew something would probably get in the way. I literally didn't know why I felt a connection but, I felt like he was feeling me LITERALLY like he wanted to take my clothes off in the middle of class with his eyes. I felt like it was meant to be when Mrs.Richardson grouped us in Chemistry. Henny has a horrible attitude though I realized that like that dude is horrible when he's mad but I mean who isn't. I know I'm probably worse than him when he's mad like I'm so out of my head when I'm mad , y'all say y'all be seeing red when y'all mad but I see black cus all I'm doing is just talking because some of these girls be all bark and no bite. After, Mrs.Richardson grouped us we exchanged numbers so we could take turns going over each other's house to work on our homemade crystallizer. The first day we worked at my condo he drove to my house and I met him downstairs we greeted then

 The first day we worked at my condo he drove to my house and I met him downstairs we greeted then

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went upstairs to the hall. Bro when I tell you Henny literally was like "and you got a whole condo to yourself and why." When I tell you that dude made me so mad I was like "are you broke or sum brokie?" At the same time I was like "no because that's rude" to myself I regretted saying that like 0.1 milliseconds after I said it. I promise you Hennessy looked at me like he wanted to just forget the project and just leave before he did something he regretted. I said "my bad I didn't mean to come as rude or anything it's jus-" he didn't even let me finish saying what I had to say I felt so embarrassed. Hennessy said " I don't really care you wanna do the project or not Anastasia?" I was like yeah I just didn't mean to be rude but, my room is right around the corner to the left explore if you want. I went downstairs to make some snacks I'm vegan so I made some fruits but, I didn't wanna seem lame so I just left the vegetables. This is my room it's dirty but, I started working on the project already I was just making the blueprints.

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