Chapter 32: Hurry Up. Please.

Start from the beginning

All that mattered was shooting down their rocky, icy foes that threatened their safety.

Out of the corners of his eyes, he saw Pink running towards the very front of the ship, and Purple and White running to the Cafeteria.

But he quickly turned back to his duty.



"Okay. Purple, take White and get everyone else to help you figure out what's broken and fix it. I'm going to help Maroon navigate. We're in Polus' atmosphere now, so things are getting difficult."

Purple nodded, exchanging a glance with White before following orders.

They both ran into Cafeteria, and the ship jerked to the side suddenly, sending them sprawling onto the floor.

Everyone else was in the Cafeteria, holding onto the tables for stability.

"Something's broken, we need to find it and fix it!" White declared as the ship jerked again.

Suddenly, they all started floating.

Purple sighed, knowing that the ship's gravity had broken somehow. Grabbing onto a table, she pushed herself towards the hallway from where she came.

Everyone started to disperse in different directions.

"Oh!" Purple said, the thought coming to mind. "Put on your helmets, until we're sure that the ship's oxygen isn't broken too."

Purple put on her helmet, suddenly feeling claustrophobic, and then continued on her mission. White followed close behind, ready to help.

I hope he has some experience being a repairman, because I sure don't.

I fix human bodies, not spaceships.

They made their way past Red and into Oxygen, and Purple's eyes widened.

The oxygen system didn't look right.

White floated closer, inspecting the outside of the system with a thoughtful gaze.

Seemingly with knowledge of what he was doing, he pulled off the outside and looked into the workings of the system.

The ship jerked again, but White seemed unaffected, instead staring at whatever those components were.

After a moment, he turned to Purple with a grim expression. Thanks to the voice and speech system implanted into the suits, he said, "it's broken."

"Where? How can we fix it?"

"Well... the damage came from outside. So, I'll need to go out to see what the issue is and see if I can fix it."

"... Can't it wait until we land?"

"No. If I'm right, it won't be long before the ship no longer has enough oxygen to get us back home."

Purple's heart sank. "So... who's going outside?"

"Both of us. I know what I'm doing, but you have to make sure nothing knocks us off the line, as well as hold the toolbox. I'll probably need both hands."

Purple gulped. "Okay."

After obtaining a ship mechanic box from a nearby compartment, Purple secured their line to a hook, and the door of the deployment chamber closed, preparing to release them into space.

Purple was not prepared for the otherworldly sensation that was her body getting sucked out into Polus' atmosphere.

After orienting herself, she looked at White, who was holding onto a handle on the ship's roof. He helped pull her down onto the roof, and she secured herself, holding on tight to the toolbox in her hand.

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