Chapter# 17

35 17 32

Happy reading.........


    “I ordered the black forest cake. The one which was right here. How can you let anyone else buy it?” I furrow my eyebrows at the salesman, standing right across the shelf.

“We are extremely sorry Madam......”

“What sorry bhai Sahab(brother)? I went outside for a few minutes to attend the call and in the meanwhile my cake is stolen.” I am furious at their rough dealing with the customers.
How can they let anyone else buy your cake, especially when you needed it the most?
Now how would I wish happy birthday to Mom?

“ It wasn't stolen Madam. Someone else bought it. And he insisted that he would leave the bakery only if we let him buy this cake.”

I roll my eyes over it and think to myself that what a stubborn person he was? I am never going to forgive who ever he was for this.
I flare up my nostrils before looking at the salesman gently this time.

“OK. Well. Do you have another one like that one?”

“No, Madam. Sorry. It was the last one.” He looks down with apologizing eyes.

“ Hmm. OK. It is OK.”

Gulping down my anger, I buy a vanilla chocolate cake, which looks delicious but not as much as the previous one.

“ Aye. Why were you giving a lecture to that poor soul in there?” Maheen's shrill voice makes a connection with my eardrums and I stumble backwards while exiting the baker.

“Uffff Allah. In your vocal cords there is a damaged speaker fitted.” I shake my left ear with my hand, watching her pout at me.

“Are you done with your meetings on the pavement?” I ask her as I watch her waving a hand to a girl, going away from us.

“It was Seema. She lives in our neighborhood.” She tells me, as we start towards the rickshaw lane.

“Mmm. Hmm. And you told her your bunch of stories right here on the pavement. I pity the brain of that poor soul. You ate it a lot.” I feel the amusement building up inside as I watch her glaring at me through those big brown eyes.

“Arzu. That's so bad of you that you think of me like that.” She fakes wiping off a tear from her cheek with her fingers, making me chuckle at her.

“I was just enlightening her about today's affairs.” She winks at me and I gap at her.

“Still you ate her brain.” I make a face at her. She laughs throwing back her head.

“You eat mine. I ate hers. This is called a cycle of survival. After all I also deserve some brain eating, like you.” She grins at me, shoving my shoulder playfully. I pass her a fake glare before getting inside a rickshaw and giggles, then get inside behind me.


“Arzu. You didn't tell me that why were you getting furious on that salesman?” She asks me, creasing her forehead before getting out of the rickshaw.

“Someone else bought the cake which I had ordered. That's why I was being furious on him.” I tell her while handing the rickshaw driver, his fare.

“Oh. That's so out of manners.” Maheen Shakes her head in contempt, following me as I pace towards my house.

“Arzu. There is someone at your house's gate.” She pokes my shoulder and I look at the figure standing at the distance of a few steps from us.

“Excuse me! How can I help you?” His back stiffens at my voice, and slowly he turns around.

Promises And Fateजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें