Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

"The suit is fine... It's just my hair. I'm not wearing a blonde wig like Pico and my color pigments aren't switched like Skid and Pump's. So how will I not get noticed?" I asked.

It became incredibly quiet and everyone were just starring at one another.

"No one's gonna answer?!" I cried.

I could feel a piece of my hair instantly stick upward.

"Aw you have a little ahoge." Mom clapped.

"God. You're really self-conscious about your hair huh?" Pico said while flicking my hair.

"Well... Yeah but my hairs blue- Like wouldn't she notice?" I ask again.

"I guess being related to that Hatsune Miku chick has it's downfalls, huh?" Pico laughed.

"You didn't actually believe me when I said that right-" I twiddled my fingers.

"The bird has left the nest." Skid said.

"I repeat the bird has left the nest." Pump said while adjusting the binoculars he were holding.

I saw Kaleb and Ex-girlfriend getting lead to a table in the middle of the restaurant.

"See! We're running out of time." Pico exclaimed.

"Pico go order our table like a manly man." Mom winked.

Pico struts his way over there to order our table.

"Heh- "manly man" he's literally wearing drag." I giggled.

"What is that supposed to mean?!" Mom pointed her finger at me.

"What does your last statement mean exactly?" I asked.

"N-Nothing I was just joking around- Besides someone has to take action." She said.

"Maybe instead of standing behind this weirdly shaped plant we could take action too?" I suggested.

"A great idea!" She grinned.

"Literally if Pico ordered a table for five people by himself he would look crazy- Is it just me or has Mom has gotten dumber lately?" I tell myself.

"Maybe she fell a little hard when she fainted." I snickered to myself.

"What's so funny?" She asked.

"Oh- Uh. Nothing- Let's just go over to Pico."

"I would like to order the table in front of Daddy Dearest's daughter please." Pico said, striking a weird confident pose.

"Hm... I don't think I can do that. Especially since we prefer to have celebrities as far away from nobodies." The host looked Pico up and down.

"Hey! You don't know who I am?! I am Pic-"
Pico cut himself off.

"Pic who now? For a lady you have a really deep voice." The host muttered.

"What's that supposed to mean?!" Pico said slamming his fist on the counter.

"Whoa- Calm down toots-" The host looked like he were reaching for something.

"Oh no- Is Pico going to get peppers sprayed again?" I started biting my nails.

I started thinking to myself.

"No, I saved him last time so I might as well save him now." I told myself.

I run up to Pico.

"Darling let's calm it down... Heh- Heh-" I desperately start gasping for air.

Our Love is Doomsday (Pico x Boyfriend)Where stories live. Discover now