"This majesty is a love potion, all you have to do is mix all the liquid in the bottle with some water and when Harumi takes it she will be completely in love with the first person she sees, in this case it will be me, of course their majesties agree "- said Adrien making a small bow

Both emperors looked at each other and nodded knowing that this would be the only way to maintain honor in their family after Harumi hulled that pre-coronation and engagement party, "Hutchins please give that potion to the princess" - he said. emperor

But ... Majesty

It is a Hutchins order- said the emperor more firmly.

Yes, Your Majesty- Hutchins accepted, leaving the room with the bottle in his hand.


I will never forgive myself for that, said Mr. Hutchins to himself.


Pov Lloyd:

It has been 6 months since we retired from the palace, since then I have not maintained contact with Harumi, nor any new adventure, so these 6 months, my friends and I have trained.

YOU MUST BE TRAINING !! - Master Wu said looking at us as we played video games, while he hit us on the head with his cane

Auchh !! Yelled all

Sensei we're only playing for a moment- said Jay

Look at all the soft bodies of him-Wu said while he hit us with his cane

In that Misako enters -Lloyd are attacking the city! - Misako exclaimed

Who will be attacking the city? - asked Cole

Nya: No ... It could be ... they've come back, Lloyd !!

Jay: Who?

Chen, apparently he left the world of the dead together with Claus but we still have not located Claus- Nya said

Ninja ... Go !! Yelled the ninjas


In Jade's palace ...

The press people were in front of the palace where they were going to give a conference where Harumi will be formally engaged, everything was ready, she had a beautiful dress that reached a little above the knees, the dress was black with images of flowers that adorned it; after all she could ruin this important occasion right?

Hello people of Ninjago! -Said the emperor going to his city, when a guard approaches the emperor and whispers something to him.

"They are attacking the city"

The ninjas will take care of it, we cannot let this occasion be lost- replied the emperor, then continued with his speech.


All the people ran all over the city while Chen attacked the city with his henchmen; there were shops and houses destroyed and Chen was heading with great stride towards the jade palace, but why was he heading to the palace? Chen was going straight to the palace as soon as he met someone in particular, he met a girl with red hair and an orange gi, it was his daughter, Skailor.

My daughter what are you doing here, come and join me and we will rule Ninjago- Chen said to Skailor, "and what if instead of joining you? I defeat you" -Skailor threatened.

Chen chuckled

"You have the same character as your mother Skailor" - said Chen- "don't bring my mother into this" Skailor warned "you know I can defeat you father"

"Yes, I know, that's why I bring this for you and your elemental friends" -Chen said while showing some chains made of bengston, a mineral that contained elemental powers.

Skailor hit a henchman and jumped onto the roof of a tent next to her to get to Chen, but before she could get any closer, someone grabbed her from behind, chaining her with a bengston chain, chained all over her body and being carried away. by a henchman, heading to the jade palace.

The ninjas arrived, Kai observed how Chen had Skailor chained and came out of his hiding place to help her, "Kai! No, wait first we have to make a plan!" - Lloyd shouted, but it was too late, Kai had already jumped from the top of a not very large building and tried to save Skailor, but they caught him and chained him with Bengston chains.

Hi Kai, good to see you again- Chen said laughing with his typical laugh

It wasn't necessary to have come to save me, I could handle it alone- Skailor told the red ninjas that she was now chained.

Don't worry, I'm not coming alone- Kai said looking up at a building where the other ninjas were.

What? - Skailor asked looking up- "No, they have to go now and protect Princess Harumi and for the first spinjitsu master they must not let Chen get Harumi's brooch !!"

What?! What brooch? - Kai asked

I don't know yet, but I know they shouldn't let Harumi be captured, I also heard something about a SOG barracks, a hiding place, Harumi will probably know where it will be, but to our bad luck she lost her memory- Skailor whispered to Kai

And what do you suggest? - Kai asked

"Harumi has to remember"

So there is no time to waste we have to escape and warn the others- said Kai trying to free himself

Kai jumped on top of Chope (Chen's henchman), Skailor did the same and they both escaped or so they thought, there were Chen's henchmen surrounding them in a dead end, but when both young men thought they were caught, the ninjas appeared and defeated Chen henchmen.

Guys I'm really glad to see you - Dios Cole.

Aww I'm also glad to see you again- Skailor said tenderly- but it would be better if they freed me from these chains! - Skailor shouted angrily.

Alright, alright- Zane said as he released Kai and Skailor.

Okay, ninjas listen we have to go to Harumi and protect her, Chen seeks to capture Harumi and seize her brooch from her -said Skailor.

Lloyd remembered the brooch Harumi once showed him.

I already know which is the brooch that Chen is looking for, but I don't understand why he wanted it- said Lloyd.

Also that is not all Harumi has to remember, to guide us where the SOG headquarters is, in that place we will find who is behind all this mess- Skailor continued

But we cannot leave the city of Ninjago to its fate- said Nya.

I have a plan Jay, Kai, Zane you try to stop Chen, the others follow me- Lloyd directed me.

The Ninjas parted ways and that's not all now I have to find a way that Harumi remembers somehow, how will I do that?


We are here- said Ultra Violet standing in front of an old and ancient house, "this is not a barracks, it is a house" - I reproach the guard, "That is what the silent one wanted people to think" - Violeta said pulling a lever , rebelling a pass, the guard wanted to take one more step but was interrupted by Violet.

Stop, walk where I walk, so we don't activate any traps- Violet said

Traps? -She said on guard

Yes, the silent one set many traps, Violet added.

Maybe I shouldn't underestimate Rumi, the guard told herself.

By the way Ultra Violet, call me AZAMI, that's my name (it means Cardio flower that can sometimes have thorns).

Hey !! came back !! Well I took this break without writing anything because I needed time for myself, a break and although it may not seem like every day I write for a new chapter, because I have too many things to do every day (apart from my family problems [but not let's talk about it]), so take a break and I'll be updating the next chapter very soon. Bye !! ✌🏿✌🏾✌🏼✌🏻

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