Ch 21

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The Gehenna gate... Nothing good ever came about from that cursed portal. It was the marking point of every single disaster in his life.

"Why are you all acting so weird?"

"That's the Gehenna gate!" A confused smile sprawled onto Bon's face, on the edge of insanity.

"Yeah and?" Beelzebub scoffed. "Did you actually think I would keep you all in Assiah? Father and Lucifer all suspect you are in Assiah and will be looking for you, but they won't be able to find you here if you in Gehenna,"

"That's your plan?" Izumo snarkily spat.

"I'm not hearing a better idea from you," Beelzebub growled in response. "We already wasted enough time at Samael's. We need to get going if we want to avoid Father,"

"Rin? Are you alright?" Shiemi stopped forward placing a hand on Rin's shoulder.

"He's right, we don't have time to waste," Rin muttered, keeping his head low as he approached the cursed gateway. Don't fight it, fighting will only make things harder for you and it will not let go no matter how badly you want it to,"

"Rin you can't be serious," Bon's face perfectly expressed his emotions, his eyes were wide with furrowed eyebrows and a small confused sneer. "No human has survived this portal,"

"Most humans passing the portals either fought or weren't leaving Assiah with the end goal of returning," Rin replied simply, stepping into the portal.

"See do that," Beelzebub said, pointing carelessly at the example.

"I trust Rin," Sheimi looked at her friends, sending a calming smile over her shoulder. "And so should you guys. Rin has never done anything to hurt us and wouldn't start now,"

"See she has the right idea," Beelzebub said happily, ushering them into the portal. "Get in,"

Shiemi was the one to go next with the rest of the exwires following her lead. Once everyone was inside the portal, Beelzebub was the last to pass through.

It was just as Rin said they didn't fight and made it out alive. Bon took to studying the portal as the rest of their little pack arrived. None of it made sense however and Bon, much like the exorcists before him, had no logic to confirm how the existence of this portal is possible or what is made of. The frame is easy enough, it's some sort of metal with eyes protruding from the top part. But the black sludge in the middle was difficult to identify, it was not tar nor was it magical tar. It smelled and acted nothing like tar even.
It was light but compressing, almost like a whipped cake batter with extreme magnification qualities. It wasn't the liquid itself that held you down, it was some sort of bizarre magic.

"Shima would be terrified," Koneko giggled, gazing down as the hundreds, maybe even close to thousands that swarmed the nearby trees and ground. Although they kept a good distance from each of the exwires, they still managed to seemingly stand guard.

Shiemi stepped closer to Rin as a simple defense tactic. They weren't after her, but it was hard to trust such a large quantity of bugs in a forest since their first school camping trip.

"No, he would pass out before he could be scared," Rin added, drawing Bon's attention from the portal.

"He would have passed out at the first sight of Beelzebub," Bon sighed, standing and joining his group of friends. "I don't know if you noticed but he likes to decorate with bug-shaped trinkets. Sadly, even those terrify Shima,"

"I would feel bad if he didn't betray us every other day," Rin chuckled, looking at the portal. "I wonder why it's taking Beelzebub so long to get through the portal,"

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