Ch 3

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Rin sat against the wall scanning over his thoughts. There was no way he and Bon could ever be together... yet should have realized it sooner, all his nights spent fantasizing were all for nothing. All the thoughts he had, the possibilities of living with Bon, and growing old together.

Just a few more minutes before Godain got out of his last class, Rin always took the time when he had it, walking Godain home was just one way Rin could keep Godain from getting bullied as he got home.

Bon walked past him heading to the dorms.

"Hey, Rin!" Bon said happily. "I just wanted to apologize for the guys today, I had no idea they were going to be a jackass,"

"What?" Rin question blankly.

"You look rather uncomfortable when they were talking about all the stuff they were talking about. I am not judging you in any way. I just to let you know that I am here for you. And sorry for them. Honestly hey will end up in a bad place if they don't change,"

"Oh, they didn't bother me," Rin scoffed, lying as he tried to brush it off.

"Yeah, but just some of the things they said about single parents, and kids from lower-class neighborhoods... I felt bad when you left early,"

"Oh? I didn't hear all of that," Rin replies simply.

"Well, they mostly said it when we were in line and stuff. But anyway I just wanted to apologize for putting you in that situation. Guys like that really piss me off and they showed me a new side to them today. I will talk to them about it,"

"Thanks, man,"

With a soft nod, Bon left Rin to wait for Godain. The boy was taking suspiciously more time than normal to collect his stuff... Rin crept into the empty class only to hear Godain's cries coming from behind the closet door. Rin was quick to pick the lock and free Godain from the dark enclosed spaces.

"Rin!" Godain meeped in shock.

"Are you alright? Who did this to you and where was the teacher?" Rin asks, helping Godain out of the closet.

"Funny story, so Reiji was picking on girl and she kept telling him to leave her alone so I stepped up and stopped him and well,"

"Where was the teacher and why didn't they step in?" Rin asked in disbelief.

"Well left ten minutes before the bell it was also a substitute so they wouldn't have anything anyways," Godain replies nervously knowing this fact would displease Rin.

"Godain please stop stepping in, I know your heart is in the right place but something could happen to you and I might not be around to help you,"

"I know I know.. I just can't stand it when I know I can help someone who is in danger,"

"Just report Reiji. By now the school must have a file on him. Besides now you have the girl as a witness. I truly wonder how he has yet been expelled," Rin pondered to himself, questioning the validity of the justice system at this school.

"I.. haven't submitted any reports," Godain whimpered softly knowing Rin's reaction would be less than a positive one.

"What?" Rin growled in disappointment.

"Reiji found out when I reported him the first time and he threatened me. I'm sorry Rin I should have told you sooner," Godain cried weakly, getting hugged by Rin who refused to let go till his friend felt safe.

"I am taking you over there right now," Rin commanded sternly but calmly. Godain nodded and the embraces loosened and fell apart.

"Thank you for doing his Rin," Godain spoke softly, keeping his voice low and face hidden.

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