ch 16

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Rin now fully dressed had a singular towel wrapped around his now blue-ish hair. The pastel blue and white highlights were in no way bad, it was just a new look, a change he would have to adapt to.

"Hey," Rin greeted with a sleepy yawn, walking over to Amaimon who was halfway through a steak when he looked over at Rin.

Amaimon kept gnawing on a steak but gave a polite nod to Rin, acknowledging he had heard him. Rin took the nod and walked over to Amaimon and took a seat next to his mate. Amaimon's bite clamped down onto the steak, ripping it cleanly in half; the demon king processed to lay his head on Rin's shoulder. He was tired of using his neck at the moment and wanted to rest it, Rin just so happened to be there, it was nothing more than that.

Amaimon's scent crept into Rin's scenes nullifying any anxiety or stress he had about his surroundings. Amaimon was here, and safe. They were safe. That's all they ever needed to be.

Rin could feel his heart begin to rush as he put his arms around Amaimon, it was an odd feeling so flushed like this. He had hugged Amaimon before, this wasn't new or groundbreaking. The soothing exhilaration he got from this sent this tail-wagging underneath the fabric of his shirt.

"Rin we are alone you don't have to hide your tail," Amaimon explained, adjusting his head to avoid locking onto the tail at first sight. Getting a glimpse of Rin's tail was a small treat he did not get often and he did not want to ruin it for himself in the future.

The white-furred tipped tail swished happily in the air, catching Amaimon's eyes rather quickly.

"Can I brush it?" The question slipped off his lips without even considering Rin's perspective.

"I guess so if you are up for it. I will have to warn you, I don't even brush it," Rin got up in search of a brush

"I know you don't that's why I nee-. That's why I want to brush it out," Amaimon replied, taking another bite of the steak.

"Wait, why are you eating steak?" Rin asked, staring at Amaimon with slight disgust.

"I am hungry," Amaimon swallowed the mouthful whole.

"But it's the morning," Rin gagged at the action.

"Rin, it's the two in the afternoon," Amaimon huffed, going back to eating.

"Was I really in the shower that long?"

"Rin we woke up at eleven," Amaimon's golden eyes tracked RIn's movement to the bathroom. "Are you sure you are feeling alright?"

"Umm yeah, I guess I'm just not used to not waking up in the morning,"

"I know," Amaimon grumbled quietly.

Rummaging through the drawers Rin found a fine-tooth comb. It was light blue and looked to be new, everything in this room looked new and unstained. How much time and money had gone into the care of this room? It was surely more than Yukio's weekly check...

How was Yukio doing? It had been a while since they last spoke; Rin could only hope his brother was in good health.

"Alright I got the comb," Rin walked back over to Amaimon and took his rightful seat.

The small plastic device clattered against the wooden surface, Rin tail wagged impatiently as he waited so desperately for Amaimon to finish eating. The soft fur of the tail pricked and jolted with excitement and buzzed from the boiling anxiety of it all.

"Are you going to get your food?" Amaimon asked, eyeing the second plate, it was rather rhetorical but it spurred Rin into action.

While tail grooming was important so was food, and Amaimon wasn't about to stop his dinning just to brush out Rin's fur. Besides, he wasn't even that good at combing out fur, he got most of his experience from taming his own hair from time to time. Still, he knew how delicate tails could be and how important it was to handle them carefully, far too many times had his tail been stepped on or pulled to the point where it detached.

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