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Rin walked through the halls carelessly. Trying to push away his dream from the previous night, it was about Amaimon, and himself.

They were doing rather questionable things, but Rin couldn't help but wonder how good those things could feel outside a dream... Amaimon was bound to be experienced right? So surely he would know what to do.

Surely he knew what to do with those polished scales of his and that slick tail... Rin violently shook his head trying to be rid of all the impure thoughts. He needed to stop thinking like this, or else, he might do or say something in front of Amaimon.

He would mess it all up, he was bound to do so. He was Rin after all, just full of mistakes, and in no way was he good at hiding his crushes...

"Hey, Rin how are you doing?" Izumo asked softly walking up to Rin.

"I am doing good thank you for asking," Rin replied with a happy little smile.

"Good, that's good... has anyone given you a hard time today?" Izumo pushed.

"Nope," Rin beamed, smiling happily.

"Alright just stay safe,"

"Will do,"

Leaving the conversation on that note Rin left, returning to his prior mission. He was going to find the root of this issue. He was going to ask Mephisto about demons and their courtship rituals, stupid idea yes, but the books were unhelpful.

Rn knocked softly on the polished office door with care.

"Who is it?" Mephisto asks.

"It's Rin,"

"Come in," Mephisto replies with a smirk knowing Rin was coming to him for help and or information. "You rarely come for just a visit. So tell me what is on your mind?"

"Well, I was wondering, how exactly do demons, you know. Mate?" Rin asked softly blushing a bit

Mephisto perked up in interest. "Well I spare you the embarrassment, we mate like the species of our hosts, demons are also attracted to all genders so there are no limits on whom they can reproduce with if you are wondering,"

"Ok thanks," Rin replies, turning around to leave.

"If I may ask what spurred your curiosity?" Samael purred masking his manipulation.

"Well in health we went over, you know, "reproduction" today and I was wondering if it was any different for demons as they are different from humans. So I thought to come and ask you because no exorcist is a reliable source, and you have no real reason to lie to me about this... at least I hope you don't,"

"When a demon has eyes on a potential mate they will do two things, either kidnap it and force it into a mating spree, that only works for short time mates and at the end, one of the parties almost always ends up dead. Or there is the courtship route, most demons will take this approach if they wish to have a long term courtship. They will shower their potential mate with gifts, and kindness, they will try their best to woo the being they want to be immanent with, and once the being accepts them they will claim or mark each other. But if a demon is unsuccessful it will try time and time again to woo the being. But if many attempts are unsuccessful the demon can snap," Samael purred showing his inner sadist.

"Um thanks, bye," Rin said, rushing out of the office.

"How cute he thinks I don't know about the dreams,"


Rin walked along the pavement wanting to return to the safety of his dorm. He got a rather uncomfortable creeping feeling that he was in danger. His mind raced with all the possibilities of what Samael could have meant. The extra information was unnecessary but it was at the same time... It would only be useful if a demon was pursuing him. Yet here was, single as ever. Besides dating a demon could end badly for everyone involved. It could be seen as dangerous by the Grigori, and even if he kept rejecting the demon... they might have to kill it. Rin wouldn't get over it if that were to occur. A demon killed because he rejected them...

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