ch 12

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Plain darkness, timeless, motionless. How long had he been here, just embraced in darkness?

Rin didn't want to move, he was comfortable, just wishing sleep would overtake him again... What had he been dreaming about? What was he going to wake up to? What life was he living? Who was he.... Did that even matter?

What could he hear? could he hear anything? anything at all? Yes, echos, echos of something, or someone?

People were talking, loudly at that, were they even trying to be quiet didn't they know he was... Asleep? People could be so rude sometimes.


Yes? The thought couldn't leave his mouth, nothing could leave his mouth, not a gasp, not even a sigh... He couldn't breathe! But he wasn't choking either. There were no feelings.

"So how does it feel? Being suppressed?" A voice snarled, at the boy.

Looking around he could track the voice.

"You won't find me by doing that, I am not some ghost I am part of you," The voice reported at the action.

"Ok, well how can I see you?"

"You can't see me, not until you accept my presence," the voice spat. "But you won't care to do that,"

"Well, what part of me are you?"

"You are a dumbass," The voice scoffed.

"Rin. Is. Being. Go..g W.h..,"

A voice chimed in, the words were blurry and echoey but Rin could understand a few of the words. Were they talking about him?

"Where are we?"

"Oh so know you acknowledge me?" The demon scoffed. "We are in your mindscape, where your dreams and thoughts take place in your soul. This is what makes you different from everyone else, it's your "soul","

"Why are we here?"

"Currently our body is recovering so your mind has been pulled into a coma-like state. You can't recognize time here because it doesn't affect you, in here you don't have to worry about any mortal troubles, but when most are in this state they are either in purgatory waiting for their fate to be decided, in a coma, or are going to die. You on the other hand aren't going to die, because of my attachments to you, you cannot die," The voice replied.

"I wonder why I haven't talked with you before, you seem nice,"

"You may think that now but I can guarantee if you knew who I was you wouldn't be too fond of me. Well, it seems your humans are calling," The voice added softly.

"How do I get back to them?" Rin asked, panic lacing his voice as he realized he had no way of exiting this strange palace.

"Go back to sleep, then when you are rested you will awake to the world. Like you always do," The voice replied.

"Well, I hope I can see you again," Rin said, before his conscious faded. The reply Rin did not hear as he was already fast asleep.

The next thing he remembered was light, bright blinding light as he opened his eyes.

"Rin! You are awake!" Shima said happily.

"Be quiet idiot, he just woke up he needs to adapt to his senses before you go shouting about," Izumo scolded softly turning one of the lights off in the room.

"How are you feeling Rin?" Shiemi asked softly sitting next to him, almost like a nurse would for a sick child.

Rin groaned softly as he turned his head over to Shiemi. "Better than I was before," He said, his voice rough almost sounding broken, as a weak smile crawled on his face.

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