"Ya, know, you're really boring person." Jazmine said after awhile.

"I know." Huey said plainly.


Riley was waiting in the alleyway of a diner, waiting on the Cindy girl to come back. Finally, she came back with their food. "Hey! Sorry to keep ya waiting." She said, handing him his milkshake. "You sure I couldn't have come in with you?" Riley said, slurping loudly.

She shook her head vigorously. "Nope, my daddy would send me away if I were to ever get caught seen with a colored boy."

"Then why do you do it, If I may ask?"

She shrugged. "I just don't find any of the boys with my same skin complexation appealing to me."

Riley nodded his head and went to eating his food.

A couple seconds in, they heard a trash can rustling behind them. Cindy turned around and sighed as she saw who it was. It was Tommy. She quickly leaned over to Riley. "I'm going to have to act a certain way in a moment, kay?" She said.

Riley nodded.

Tommy approached them and took at Cindy and then at Riley. He then turned back to Cindy and said "Cindy, what are you doing with this moon cricket?" Cindy smiled and snatched the milkshake out of Riley's hand, throwing it on the floor. "Ha, this Negro really thought I cared about his sad little life in the slums." She strolled over beside Tommy.

Tommy was a local boy around WoodCrest who fancied Cindy, even though she tried her best to politely reject him, it seems it wasn't hitting home.

Tommy burst out laughing and raised up his boot, placing on Riley's back and shoving it. He watched Riley fall face first, wasting all of his food. Tommy walked over Riley's body and kneeled down. "Don't let me catch you, hanging with her boy, kay? Because it can get real messy, you don't want this to end up like--" Riley didn't let Tommy get his last few words in before slamming his fast in Tommy's face.

Tommy crashed onto the ground, holding his shattered nose. Riley scrambled to his feet and began stomping the now, scared Tommy. While all this was happening Cindy was watching and people began to take notice of the Negro boy beating on a white boy.

Cindy backed up into the alleyway and took a metal lid off a trashcan, she walked back out of the alleyway and crept up behind Riley. Then she slammed the lid against his face, watching him fall, unconscious onto the ground. She had to keep up appearances.

She knelt down next to Tommy. "You okay?" She asked.

Tommy nodded, holding his head. "That Negro boy couldn't hurt me on my worst day." He glanced past Cindy and saw Riley's body. "You got em pretty good. Now help me up." Cindy stood up and dusted herself off. She gave Tommy a hand and pulled him uo.

"Come on, I'll walk home with you." Cindy said, wanting to get far away from the scene as possible.

Tommy nodded and they both walked away from the scene.


Jazmine stood up in frustration. "This is what you do for entertainment? Stare at the sky for hours on end?"

Huey shook his head. "No, I usually have a book." He said and stood up as well. "If you don't want to be here, we can see if they're finished talking yet." Huey suggested.

"I wouldn't like for anything else." Jazmine said, stomping off ahead.

Huey kicked his feet into motion, lagging behind her. She reached the house and went inside, followed by Huey.

Boondocks 1960sWhere stories live. Discover now