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It had been a few weeks since the Freemans moved to Woodcrest. Huey and Riley were already in enrolled to a mostly white school.

Riley had been secretly sneaking out and going to hang out with the white girl he had seen when they first had moved there.

They mostly hung around the woods, or the back areas of WoodCrest so they wouldn't be caught,

Huey stayed in his own little bubble after school, often found watching boxing matches on the small tv in the living room. He didn't want to go outside. He heard what happened to small children that decided to "hang" with white children.

One Saturday afternoon, the freeman family got a knock at their door. Huey got up from watching the tv and went to the door. He opened it and he was met with a tall black man, a white woman and a teenager right standing in the middle of both of them.

"How do you do, young brother? Your pa around?" He said. Huey nodded and walked away from the door. He went back into the living room and woke up a sleeping Robert. "There's someone at the front door, pa."

Robert stood up from his chair and went to the front door. He was surprised to see the trio. "Can we help you?" Robert asked.

"Oh, we just finally wanted introduce ourselves, we were debating for a few weeks because we wanted to see if you're the bad apples or not." The man said.

Robert nodded, a bit confused.

"This is my wife--" He gestured over to the white women. Robert's eye's widened. "Sarah and this is my daughter--" He motioned down to the teenage girl. "Jazmine and my name is Tom." He greeted, placing his hand out. Robert took his hand and gave it a firm shake.

"Well, come inside and let's have a chat." Robert said. Tom nodded his head and looked down at Jazmine and Huey. "How about you two go hang out? Hmm??" Tom suggested.

"But-" Huey started. Robert looked at Huey like his life depended on hanging out with this biracial girl.

"Fine..." He said, pushing past Tom and Sarah. Huey and Jazmine began to walk off the front porch and then out of sight around the corner.

Jazmine finally began speaking "Sooooo, how old are you?" She asked.

"I'm fourteen."

She nodded. "That's good, I'm fourteen too."

"So what do you like to do?" She asked again.

"Staying inside." He replied.

She picked up on him being annoyed with her real fast. "Is it because I'm white?"

Huey's head snapped towards Jazmine. "What?"

"Is it because I'm white? You know, the reason you don't want to speak with me?" She explained. He shook his head. "I wouldn't call you white, especially since you show more black features than anything but I guess the proper word would be mulatto." He said.

She shook her head. "My mom says I'm white. That's what she put on my birth certificate." She said.

"Then why is your hair...kinky?" He said.

"Well, because my ma didn't use the hot comb in a few weeks. But, she said she'll use it tonight."

Huey chuckled. "If you were just white you wouldn't have to do that."

"I think you need to shut it..." She said, obviously not wanting to speak on the subject any longer.

Huey and Jazmine came up upon a hill where they both sat down and stared at the horizon.

Boondocks 1960sWhere stories live. Discover now