1 - My Hero Academia

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Written and illustrated by Kohei Horikoshi, My Hero Academia (otherwise known as Boku No Hero Academia) is unarguably one of the most popular (if not the most popular) manga/anime out there today. Being a fan of superheroes (DC, ftw... though Marvel is cool too), it's no surprise that this was the first anime I ever watched. With a huge cast of various types of characters, all sporting unique superpowers, or "quirks", this left an insane amount of creative room for those who were tasked with making the selections for the dub cast. In my opinion, the dub cast is awesome! Some of the dub voices are better than others, but possibly the most questionable one is that of the main protagonist of the story, Izuku Midoriya, otherwise known as...

 In my opinion, the dub cast is awesome! Some of the dub voices are better than others, but possibly the most questionable one is that of the main protagonist of the story, Izuku Midoriya, otherwise known as

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Voiced in the English dub by Justin Briner, and Daiki Yamashita in the original Japanese cut, Izuku Midoriya is a fifteen year-old boy who's dream is to become a hero, despite not having a quirk. Since this is a spoiler-free book, I won't go into details about what happens (although many people who read this will already know – DON'T SPOIL IT FOR OTHERS WHO HAVEN'T SEEN IT YET!), but I will cover my opinion on the dub to let you decide whether or not you want to watch it.

What makes a good dub is often determined by the voice of the main character... In this case, Midoriya's voice sounds much younger in the dub than it does in the subbed version... It's almost childlike, and after listening to Midoriya in some of the sub, hearing Justin's rendition of the main character almost kept me from wanting to watch the dub altogether. But I watched it anyway, and I immediately got used to the sound of his voice... This is because - despite having such a young-sounding voice - Justin is incredibly talented at voice acting; He puts so much emotion into his role, and I really think that he brings the character to life just as well as Yamashita does in the subbed version.

Another voice actor who does an amazing job is Eric Vale, who does the voice for one of the main antagonists of the story, Tomura Shigaraki. His dry, throaty voice really brings a creepy undertone to the character, which I think works really well in further making him sound like a terrifying villain. The voice actor in the Japanese cut, Koki Uchiyama (who also voices Tsukishima in the sub for Haikyu!!), sounds much smoother and a lot less creepy, which some people may prefer over the unsettling vibe given off by Shigaraki's voice in the dub. I personally love his voice sounding creepier, as it makes him sound more like the slightly crazed villain that he is... But this is all a matter of personal preference, depending on whether or not you like your villains sounding insane like the Joker.

There are SO many other voices that I love in the dub, and I'd end up droning on and on if I were to try and list them all out for you. In a nutshell, the combination of amazing talents presented by the English voice actors in the series brings me to the conclusion that this anime is worth watching...












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