Chapter Fifty-Five

Start from the beginning

Why wouldn't he tell me?

Was he scared I would be mad?

Or... Or was he not pregnant anymore?

"I was just.... I was just wondering." He whispered, turning onto his side as he looked down at the twins. Both of them were awake, cooing as they lay there. They seemed to enjoy the sun, Jonah especially.

I assumed he liked the feeling of the sun on his skin.

He liked anything that had to do with touch and feeling really.


"Yes Niall?" I sighed, trying not to be annoyed with him.

I just didn't get why he wasn't telling me.

Was it really that hard?

"Do... Do you want another baby?" He asked, looking up at me as I glanced down at him. He was biting his bottom lip, his eyes locked with mine.

"I wouldn't mind another one... I mean a baby right now would be hard but I wouldn't be upset." I said, being completely honest.

It would be hard to have three kids under the age of three, but we could do it.

"Are you sure? Even if we didn't plan it?"

"Niall, when have any of our kids really been planned? A.J. was the surprise of a lifetime and the twins... maybe one of them was planned, but baby number two most certainly was not."

"I guess you have a point..."

"Why though? Why the sudden questioning?" I asked, hoping that would finally jump start him into telling me.

I was screaming at him internally to...

"I..." He started, but then he looked away from me and went back to looking up at the sky. I internally groaned.

Seriously Niall.

Three words.

It's not that hard.

But I guess it finally clicked that he wasn't going to say anything...

He was going to put it off for as long as he could.

The stupid f ucker.

"Liam told me." I blurted out, finally sick of the dancing around the bush.

The avoidance of the elephant that was clearly not the one A.J. was playing with.

"Told you what?" He said, still acting like there was nothing.

I hated it when he did that.

Dammit Niall.

"He told me you were pregnant." I said, watching his face as I gauged his reaction. Niall didn't even look at me.

"Im gonna kill his turtle." Niall said, glaring up at the sky.

I let out a surprised laugh.


"He wasn't supposed to tell you..."

"I figured as much... but why not?"

"I didn't... I didn't know if I was gonna keep the baby. I found out like right after you left and I... I didn't know for sure if you were gonna come back... The other day I went... I went to the hospital for... you know... but the-they put me in the same room where we found out about Jemma and Jonah in... A-And I couldn't do it. I almost did though and I feel terrible for even considering it..." Niall's voice trailed off into a whisper as he looked at me finally.

"Promise me that you won't leave?" He asked, looking at me with serious eyes.

"Why do you keep thinking I'm going to leave?" I whispered, feeling somewhat offended that he always assumed that.

But then again we both had a tendency to leave when things got hard.

"I... Just promise me?"

"I promise... Things are going to be okay Ni..."

"I sure hope you're right."



This chapter seems to be an absolute bore.

I don't like it all that much :P

This books is also (FINALLY) drawing to a close. I think we're looking at about 60-65 chapters in total.

But then again I might surprise you.

Cause I said this story would be done at like chapter 30.

So yeah....

QOTD: What is your favorite 1D song?

AOTD: Hands down its TDKAU. I still get shivers (ha. I crack myself up) whenever I hear that song on my playlist. It's absolutely beautiful and I cry.




Connie xx

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