In many ways he feels like a fugitive, and it makes him question himself over and over again if this is truly the life that he wants to live. What worries him however is that it might be too late to go back, because no matter what, even if he is to quit now he will always be known and never left alone.

"Do you have a place in mind?" she asks. "If you don't we can call ahead to a proper hotel to secure some privacy for you. It's still quite risky though."

"I know ," he says. "Don't worry about it. I'll find somewhere to stop when I get too tired and sleep in the car."

She goes silent again.

"I'll call you back," she says and the line is disconnected.

She does indeed call aback a few minutes later, and this time around there's a little more life in her voice.

"Xiao Zhan, I have a cousin that lives close to the Houhe River. It's about an hour from the entrance to Yichang so can you drive a bit further and head over there?"

He considers her offer.

"I trust her, and she will be able to accommodate you at least for the next few hours or even the night. She has two small kids though, so her major concern is that they will be too noisy for you."

"You've already called her?"

"I have."

He feels that this will be burdensome to her.

"Perhaps I'll just head over to her place and find somewhere safe to park. I'll be able to sleep more easily in the van then. I don't want to encroach on her home"

Her voice suddenly breaks.

"For Pete's sake Xiao Zhan! You can't sleep in a van."

He has never heard Nini on the verge of tears before so he doesn't dare argue any further.

"Alright, I'll do as you say."

"Thank you," she breathes and the calls comes to an end.

He sighs and continues on his way.


It is about five in the evening by the time he gets to Houhe.

Nini's cousin's home is in a compound of apartment buildings, and he cannot help but feel slightly anxious as he drives in. He soon arrives at their block, however he needs to wait because she is not home yet. So as was his original plan, he finds a parking spot in an obscure corner that is a bit segregated from the rest, and nicely shaded from direct view by the huge tree overhead.

He turns the engine off, pushes his chair backwards and shuts his eyes.

However, and just as he had expected, sleep doesn't come to him. His entire body is aching with its need of it but his brain adamantly refuses to cooperate. So he turns on some low music, covers his face with his hat and tries his best to at least rest his mind.

Another hour passes before his phone rings, and he finds that it is Nini's cousin.

He is informed of her arrival and then invited up to the apartment. He still feels reluctant, unwilling to be a burden but he hasn't been able to sleep in the vehicle so perhaps indoors would truly be the better option.

Winter Wind (YiZhan)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt